In one question I am confusedJulia is watching a Tom Cruise movie, there are four answers:-
1.It is very good - Il est très bon - agreed
2.He is very good - Il est très bon - Only if you are referring to Tom Cruise
3.She is very good - Elle est très bonne - Julia might not like Tom Cruise so she might be very good in watching it............
4.I can't remember the last answer offhand but it does have an instance where it COULD be correct.
The point is that other than answer 1 the other options are ALL options and may all be correct in certain circumstances. The ONLY certain answer to this particular question is the first one, all others are possible but are liable to return a partially correct result depending upon the way in which the question is viewed. I submit that it may NOT be the best question for this exercise.
When "on" means "nous," the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject "nous."
Therefore, the correct answer here would be "allés," right? I don't understand why the quiz answers say that the answer is "allé.
Julia is watching a Tom Cruise movie, there are four answers:-
1.It is very good - Il est très bon - agreed
2.He is very good - Il est très bon - Only if you are referring to Tom Cruise
3.She is very good - Elle est très bonne - Julia might not like Tom Cruise so she might be very good in watching it............
4.I can't remember the last answer offhand but it does have an instance where it COULD be correct.
The point is that other than answer 1 the other options are ALL options and may all be correct in certain circumstances. The ONLY certain answer to this particular question is the first one, all others are possible but are liable to return a partially correct result depending upon the way in which the question is viewed. I submit that it may NOT be the best question for this exercise.
"Quels/Quelles sont les danseuses engagées?"
I answered "Quels" as it was unclear if the dancers were male/female or both. I was marked incorrect. Was that because of an incorrect assumption on my part ( that all dancers are female) or was there another reason?
thanks for your guidance,
Bonjour Madame Cécile,
I am facing a difficulty in forming the negative of the following sentence-
"J'aime jouer du piano et de la guitare"
Now, the negative would be as-
"Je n'aime jouer ni du piano ni de la guitare."
Here, will the articles du and de la remain or will they get removed? Because in the lesson it is stated that All articles except the definite articles will be omitted.
But I think jouer du piano and jouer de la guitare are fixed expressions in French so there should be no change in their structure.
Please confirm Madame.
Merci d'avance
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