Exactly how does one know when to you vous and when to use IlsI was never aware "JACK and JILL' should take the pronoun Ils. It was my belief ILS was reserved for all boys only.
So now I see vous addressing the individuals IN the group. Sort of like ILS is they and VOUS is similar to America's deep South as y'all, or the northeast as in you guys.
So within the poem/song Jack and Jill went up the hill one wouldn't use the pronoun VOUS as it would change the meaning. Is that correct?
Not Y'ALL or You guys or VOUS went up the hill... Jack and Jill are not the audience.
THEY or ILS went up the hill to fetch... The audience is being addressed. Not Jack and Jill.
Dear professor, is that about right?
This week's Weekend Workout (31-08-2018) has a question and answer as detailed below.
The translation for 'we arrived' is given in the imparfait but surely it should be in the Passé composé as they arrived only 'once' and not as the imparfait implies 'used to arrive' meaning they arrived on a regular basis i.e. more than just on the one occasion.
Could you please explain.
When we arrived in the changing rooms,
Quand nous arrivions dans les vestiaires,
Please could someone explain to me what exactly is the difference between "ce qui" and "qui"?
I think ce qui is which/what and qui is which/what/who but how do you know which "which" to use?
Grateful for any responses.
I was never aware "JACK and JILL' should take the pronoun Ils. It was my belief ILS was reserved for all boys only.
So now I see vous addressing the individuals IN the group. Sort of like ILS is they and VOUS is similar to America's deep South as y'all, or the northeast as in you guys.
So within the poem/song Jack and Jill went up the hill one wouldn't use the pronoun VOUS as it would change the meaning. Is that correct?
Not Y'ALL or You guys or VOUS went up the hill... Jack and Jill are not the audience.
THEY or ILS went up the hill to fetch... The audience is being addressed. Not Jack and Jill.
Dear professor, is that about right?
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