French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,963 questions • 30,117 answers • 866,373 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,963 questions • 30,117 answers • 866,373 learners
This exercise is titled, Le Sun7 Beach...
It should be, Le Sunset Beach...
The same error occurs in the second phrase of the exercise.
hi. I´m looking for friends
Report the time from 4-12 in half hours in french
Report the time from 4-12 in quarter past hours in french
Report the time from 4-12 in quarter to the next hour in french
Is the audio for “parce que je n'ai pas envie de manquer le début du concert” correct? My “French ears” are admittedly not the best, but I’m not getting “envie de manquer” at all, more something like “vide … quel”…
Why am I unable to retake the quick, 2 question quiz at the end of a lesson? I have put the lesson in my notebook, gone to my notebook to retake the quiz, but it still says I took the quiz 3 days ago,Go to you notebook not to kwiz this topic as many times as you like.
This is not consistent, but it is also not infrequent. It helps me know that I DI know the material and can move on.
In the phrase, "Enfin, après vous être imprégnés de tous les paysages somptueux,", I don't understand how "vous être imprégnés" using the infinitive in the French corresponds to the English translation, "after soaking up". Is "être" a typo where "êtes" should have been used instead?
All the examples are with the verb ETRE.(TO BE). Is it correct to assume that this construct can work for ALL(??) 'copular' type verbs. I can't see it working with non 'copular type' verbs.
1)He looks great..and she does too == il a l'air bien et elle l'a l'air aussi(not sure of this one)
2)The roses smell pleasant and the carnations smell pleasant too== les roses sentent agréables et les oeilets le sentent aussi(smells ok to me).
etc etc!!
3)what about a sentence like "she became angry then they became angry too== elle s'est mis en colere ensuite ils le se sont mis (??)
Just asking 'for a friend' could you add a note in the lesson that the direct object pronoun occupies its usual place before the verb ...although it is acting like an adjective,
I guess I fell into the trap of considering "play with dolls" to be a general statement and used "les poupées".
Is this not a general statement? Should "some" be implied here and thus the use of "des poupées"?
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