French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,242 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,242 learners
Not directly related to the question of when to use the subjunctive, but is it correct that you would say "c'est ennuyeux qu'il soit parti" but, on the other hand, "il est important qu'il soit parti"? If so why the difference?
Why does "CP" correspond to "first grade"? How are French grade levels named?
I am listening to your examples and am not hearing any difference.. is that my lack of discrimination or are they actually the same?
Interesting, the answer is probably, "Is Lucie coming to the cinema" but, "Lucie.. is she coming to the cinema" might change the emphasis but would be perfectly correct in English...
Am not seeing "I was in a queue this morning" as an option.. looking for "a line" and because I don't answer, it keeps asking me the same question.
All the examples have been made inclusive of English English.
Hello, I still find myself struggling with the passe compose vs imparfait at times. I have copied part of your online test below. The two I got wrong are in red. My logic is that "The place that enchanted me" is an opinion/description, so should be imparfait. "We walked in the garden" has no clear beginning or end, so should be imparfait. Why are these two in fact passe compose?
L'endroit qui m'enchantait au-dessus de tout,c'était le château de l'impératrice Sissi.Nous nous promenions dans ses jardins merveilleuxdont les fleurs embaumaient l'air,et les fontaines dessinaient de superbes tableaux aquatiques…C'est simple, je ne voulais plus repartir !
In the lesson you give the following example:
Mes amis sont venus et tous étaient contents.
But if we change the gender, are these three examples correct?
Mes amies sont venues et toutes étaient contentes. (all of them were happy)
Mes amies sont venues et elles étaient toutes contentes. (they were all happy)
Mes amies sont venues et elles étaient tout contentes. (they were very happy)
Thanks for all your work on this subject. This lesson is long but it's the most comprehensive explanation I've found.
The ce vs. il/elle question is driving me crazy! I've created a detailed flowchart and I still get them wrong. Why is this "C'est"?
Tu aimes l'école? Oui, ________ est très intéressant!"Elle" is used when expressing an opinion of a specific thing, here, a school. Your own example uses, "Tu aimes mon pull? Oui, il est très beau." How is this any different?????
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