French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,171 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,171 learners
What convention is usually used when the prepositions "à" or "de" are before the title of a book that begins with "le" or "les", for example "les miserables?"
Will it follow the same preposition structure? Like au, aux, du, des?
Tous les jours, je fais des efforts pour aider la planète. Par example, quand je vais au supermarché, j'apporte mon sac en toile et j'évite les emballages de plastique. Et si j'achète un café à emporter, j'utilise ma tasse réutilisable. À la maison, je ne gaspille pas l'eau et he recycle mes déchets. Quand je ne peux pas faire de vélo, je prends les transports en commun ou je fais du covoiturage.
Why is this phrase not ""Tu as les billets ? Oui, je les en ai tous."
what's the difference between "emménager" and "déménager"?
I am wondering why it is not "toute" in the second sentence since it would seem to refer to "la rentrée" which is feminine.
S'est occupée is passé composé. This is a single action completed in the past. But the text describes an action over the years. Why not s'occupait?
I don't get why the tenses change from perfect to imperfect? it's the same sentence?
the question about the Professor: I put Leon as it's Prefessur and not Professure (F)? But it was wrong. Is that because of neologism? so, Professure is not used?
Bonjour. Don’t know if links are OK, but on this page it says that l’automne is less frequent than l’été or l’hiver. Is this true or is l’automne just as common? See point 3 at this link.
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