French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,913 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,727 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,913 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,727 learners
Avant d’obtenir une réponse: is ‘avant de recevoir une réponse also OK?
When I listen to the entire passage, I clearly hear the word elle in the last sentence. When I listen to the last sentence as given in the exercise, I hear what sounds like 'on' instead of elle. I don't have the best ears, but it is what I hear.
At the beginning of the second sentence the word "BASTIEN" is in the text, but it is not in the audio. All of the other sentences have the characters' name in both the text & the audio.
Very interested by Chris’s use of “depuis” in “Je regarde depuis de belles collines”. Does using “depuis” impact a slight change in the English translation such as “I have been watching from beautiful hills” or am I overthinking it.
One of the possible translations given for the last sentence of the exercise is 'Peut-etre qu'on peut s'entraîner ensemble ?' Does not s'entrainer imply a joint activity and so 'ensemble' is not required?
In the first exercise of the day I answered ‘y’ instead of the correct ‘le’. In answering a question in the following exercise I entered ‘le’ instead of the correct ‘y’. Very frustrating! This, after reading both lesson explanations several times over the last few months. This is an observation, not a question. Not your problem, it’s mine. But may I suggest preparing a quick lesson that includes both pronouns. If it already exists please point me to it. Merci !
Auparavant, Paul et Cecile connaissent la raison de l'utilisation du subjonctif. J'ai cherché la bibliothèque de Kwiziq en ce qui concerne le mot meilleur et le subjonctif mais je n'ai rien trouvé. Est-ce que vous pouvez en élaborer ?
"Je n'aime pas non plus certains supporters qui peuvent être violents ou même racistes"
Could you use "voire" to replace "ou même" in this sentence? With a comma after "violents" ? I tried and it was marked incorrect.
Thank you!
Est-ce que la mère de Sophie trop protectrice de sa fille à cause de "son divorce d'avec Papa"? Sinon, la phrase me confond.
How would we best translate this ?
WordReference has a fixed expression "il serait temps" as "It's about time", so how does these sound ?
"It's about time to find a solution ! "
"It's about time a solution is found !" (Think I like this better than the first one).
Thanks. Paul.
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