French language Q&A Forum
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13,834 questions • 29,833 answers • 853,884 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,834 questions • 29,833 answers • 853,884 learners
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"Je ne manque de rien." is given as the correct translation for "I lack nothing". Why the "ne"? Why not just "Je manque de rien"? It has been about three years since I paid attention to French, and I am really rusty.
Why do you need ‘Comment’ when Savoir means to know how to do something?
I am having doubts translating a film title that in English is "Nostalgia in Red". Is the correct translation to French "La Nostalgie en Rouge"? or does the direct translation dilute the meaning?
I would like to keep the "In" part of it because just saying La Nostalgie Rouge is a bit different.
I note the possible answers were "Retirer de l’argent / Retrait d’argent / Retrait d’espèces". I do realise retirer is a verb and retrait a noun, but wonder why the change to d’ after retrait? (rather than de l’argent, des espèces)
Dans cette phrase vous avez utilisé le ne explétif sans qu'il y ait une négation dans la phrase précédente: "Du coup, la loi de 1965 a permis aux femmes mariées d'ouvrir un compte bancaire sans que leur mari n'intervienne, les émancipant ainsi financièrement de leur conjoint."
Je croyais qu'il fallait une négation avant "sans que" pour ajouter le ne explétif.
Rather than just accessing LF on my computer, is a mobile application available? I didn't find it in the Apple store.
In another French course, some years ago, I was given the sentence :
"Ça fait trois ans que je l'ai, et je n'ai pour ainsi dire pas eu d'ennui avec."
This appears to end with a preposition. Is it wrong?
Hi, if I was to say ‘I have been learning French since I was in school’, would I say: ‘J’apprends français depuis j’étais à l’école’ or ‘j’apprends français depuis je suis à l’école’? I am no longer in school so I’m thinking it may be the former however I’m not sure if the whole sentence needs to be in the present tense. Thanks
1) Surely glacier should be an acceptable translation for ice cream parlour?
2) I'm struggling with the use of à rather than de for the ice cream scoops. A scoop of vanilla ice cream would be une boule de glace à la vanille, but in removing the word glace, I'd think you'd be left with une boule de vanille.
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