French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,918 questions • 30,009 answers • 861,395 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,918 questions • 30,009 answers • 861,395 learners
Please explain why the given answer is "Alain lui a plaire tout a suite" which to me says Alain likes him... Its not like il manque is it.
What is a pronoun, i cant see it here?
I'll be right there in English is actually the use of the future continuous tense, as is I'll be there in two seconds. I'll is a contraction of I WILL.
Not a good example for using the present tense in English.
English teacher speaking here.
Is the word “alors” necessary in the “a alors demandé Martine”?
The exercise gave two possibilities: passer prendre et venir chercher. My dictionary adds aller chercher, which is what I chose. Is this not a possibility? Is it a question of perspective in this case? The speaker is the one being picked up, hence venir. If the speaker was asking what time he should pick someone up, then perhaps aller is preferred over venir.
The text uses "Je serai là" I used "J'y serai" Is my alternate acceptable? If not, why not? Thank you.
Since both parts of the sentence refer to a feeling/opinion, shouldn't both parts be conjugated using the imperfect past tense?
"Je ne voulais pas choisir pour elle, mais j'ai été soulagé"
Thanks in advance,
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