"pour les ordonnances" - another trap!Well, I did it again, and my frustration is really mounting.
I went with "des ordannances" thinking that 1) "some" is implied here (one goes to the pharmacy for some/any prescriptions) and 2) prescriptions are countable.
Since the answer is "les", I have to ask: does the use of "on" (instead of "nous") automatically imply the statement is general and thus the use of le/la/l'/les?
Would these then be correct? Nous servons du café. -and- On serve le café. That does not seem right to me.
Or, is it just because I translated just the part of the sentence ("or for prescriptions at the pharmacy") and not that part of the sentence as part of the whole sentence...?
Maybe I need clarification on how to distinguish "general" statements from "some/any" statements or learn if there is some additional concept that I need to consider when deciding between les and des.
Why use why use elles vont de Cannes pour le festival du film. I used A and got it wrong
If you are refering "vous" formally to single person would "Vous n'êtes pas arrivé en retard". Arrivé without the "s".
Well, I did it again, and my frustration is really mounting.
I went with "des ordannances" thinking that 1) "some" is implied here (one goes to the pharmacy for some/any prescriptions) and 2) prescriptions are countable.
Since the answer is "les", I have to ask: does the use of "on" (instead of "nous") automatically imply the statement is general and thus the use of le/la/l'/les?
Would these then be correct? Nous servons du café. -and- On serve le café. That does not seem right to me.
Or, is it just because I translated just the part of the sentence ("or for prescriptions at the pharmacy") and not that part of the sentence as part of the whole sentence...?
Maybe I need clarification on how to distinguish "general" statements from "some/any" statements or learn if there is some additional concept that I need to consider when deciding between les and des.
This exercise is titled, Le Sun7 Beach...
It should be, Le Sunset Beach...
The same error occurs in the second phrase of the exercise.
hi. I´m looking for friends
Report the time from 4-12 in half hours in french
Report the time from 4-12 in quarter past hours in french
Report the time from 4-12 in quarter to the next hour in french
Is the audio for “parce que je n'ai pas envie de manquer le début du concert” correct? My “French ears” are admittedly not the best, but I’m not getting “envie de manquer” at all, more something like “vide … quel”…
Why am I unable to retake the quick, 2 question quiz at the end of a lesson? I have put the lesson in my notebook, gone to my notebook to retake the quiz, but it still says I took the quiz 3 days ago,Go to you notebook not to kwiz this topic as many times as you like.
This is not consistent, but it is also not infrequent. It helps me know that I DI know the material and can move on.
In the phrase, "Enfin, après vous être imprégnés de tous les paysages somptueux,", I don't understand how "vous être imprégnés" using the infinitive in the French corresponds to the English translation, "after soaking up". Is "être" a typo where "êtes" should have been used instead?
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