Question And Answer Forum FAQs

By using the Q&A Forum you agree to the forum guidelines. The Q&A Forum is for you to ask (and answer!) language questions.

Where can I ask my question?

  • If your language question is related to a lesson or exercise, please use the "Ask question" form directly below that lesson/exercise. Please scroll through all the existing questions in case your query has already been asked - and answered!
  • If there are already other questions but you have a brand-new question, check you are not using the "write a reply" form.
  • If your question is not related to a lesson or exercise, please use the Tools > Q&A link in the navigation bar at the top of every page, then use the "Ask a question" button.

Any tips about how I ask a question?

As you enter the title of your question, previous questions based on your entry are proposed. If any of these sound like your question, click on the title and it will open in a new tab. 

If none of these sound helpful, continue entering a title and then complete the form with the detail of your question. Try to be as specific as you can with the title; you can see how useful it might be to someone else looking to ask the same question. For example, if your question is about the subjunctive, be sure to include the word "subjunctive" in your title!

Unless you are sure to return to this location in the forum often to check for new answers, you will want to use the "Send email notifications of new answers" checkbox so that you receive an email when someone answers your question.

Can I answer someone else’s question?

Of course! If you know the answer to another student’s question it is greatly appreciated when you share your knowledge. It’s a great way to help the community and reinforce your own learning skills.

What if I don’t know the answer but I have the same question?

It’s always good to know you're not alone, so go ahead and use the "write a reply" form to say you feel the same way, or, if you prefer, click the "Like" button under their question.

Can I receive notifications of new answers without replying?

Yes! You can use the "Follow thread" feature to receive an email every time there’s a new reply to the question you are interested in.

Can I "like" questions and answers?

Absolutely! There’s a "Like" button just below every question and answer. Liking a question is a good way to let that student know that you find their question useful. Liking an answer is great feedback, in particular when it’s another student sharing their knowledge with the community.

How can I see my questions?

From any previously asked question, just click your username!






