Plus de ... que/Moins de ... que/Autant de ... que = More ... than/Less ... than/As much/many ... as (Comparisons with Nouns in French)

Making comparisons with nouns (I have more books than he [does], as opposed to I'm taller than he [is]) is different from making comparisons with adjectives, verbs or adverbs.

How to make comparisons with nouns in French

How to express to have more/less/as much [things] than/as [someone]

J'ai plus de livres que toiI have more books than you (do).

Marie a autant de vêtements que sa mère.Marie has as many clothes as her mother (does).

Tu as moins de chaussures qu'elle.You have fewer shoes than she (does).

Note that to compare nouns, you will use comparative words as follows:

English French

more [thing/s] than

plus de [chose/s] que
less/fewer [thing/s] than moins de [chose/s] que
as much/many [thing/s] as autant de [chose/s] que

Note that in all three forms, de is required before the noun. And remember that de becomes d' in front of a vowel or mute h.

Whereas in English, you will need to use a subject pronoun after than (... than I (do), you (do), he/she (does)...), in French you will once again use the stress pronoun after que (... que moi, toi, lui/elle, nous, vous, eux/elles). You will also never repeat the verb (do/am/have) afterwards:

J'ai plus d'œufs en chocolat que tu as toi.
I have more chocolate eggs than you do.

How to express more/less/as [things] than/as [other things] 

Il y a plus de filles que de garçons dans ma classe.There are more girls than boys in my class.

Il connaît moins de poèmes italiens que d'espagnols.He knows fewer Italian poems than Spanish [ones].

Tu fais preuve d'autant d'esprit que d'intelligence.You show as much wit as cleverness.

When expressing there are more/fewer/as many-much [thing/s] than/as [other thing/s], you need to add de after que, e.g.:

Il y a + plus/moins/autant de [chose/s] + que de [chose/s]


See also other Comparative structures:

Plus... plus..., moins... moins... = the more...the more..., the less...the less... (comparisons with phrases)
Better and better, worse and worse = de mieux en mieux, de pire en pire (Comparisons in French)
De plus en plus / De moins en moins + [adverbe/adjectif/verbe] = more and more / less and less + [adverb/adjective/verb] (Comparisons in French)
De plus en plus de / de moins en moins de + [nom] = more and more / less and less + [nouns] (Comparisons in French)
Plus ... que/Moins ... que/Aussi ... que = More ... than/Less ... than/As ... as (Comparisons with Adjectives in French)
Plus ... que/Moins ... que/Aussi ... que = More ... than/Less ... than/As ... as (Comparisons with Adverbs in French)
Plus que/Moins que/Autant que = More than/Less than/As much as (Comparisons with Verbs in French)

And for Superlative forms, see:

Le/la/les plus and Le/la/les moins = The most and the least (Superlative with Adjectives in French)
Meilleur, mieux, pire / plus mauvais, plus mal = better, best, worse and worst in French (irregular comparatives and superlatives)
Le plus/Le moins = The most/the least (Superlative with Adverbs in French)
Forming the superlative of French adjectives in complex cases

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Examples and resources

J'ai plus de livres que toiI have more books than you (do).
Il y a plus de filles que de garçons dans ma classe.There are more girls than boys in my class.
Il connaît moins de poèmes italiens que d'espagnols.He knows fewer Italian poems than Spanish [ones].
Tu fais preuve d'autant d'esprit que d'intelligence.You show as much wit as cleverness.
Je veux apprendre le français pour avoir plus d'une corde à mon arc.I want to learn French in order to have more than one string to my bow.
Tu as moins de chaussures qu'elle.You have fewer shoes than she (does).
Marie a autant de vêtements que sa mère.Marie has as many clothes as her mother (does).
Plus de ... que/Moins de ... que/Autant de ... que = More ... than/Less ... than/As much/many ... as (Comparisons with Nouns in French)
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