French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,996 questions • 30,281 answers • 873,813 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,996 questions • 30,281 answers • 873,813 learners
Est-ce que je pourrais écrire
1)je m'assieds 'au coin' au lieu de 'dans le coin'
2)prendre une bière 'du frigo' a la place de 'dans le frigo'
Merci encore
1)A la place de dire 'tourner doucement' est-ce qu'on pourrait mettre ' tourner soigneusement' ou bien 'tourner attentivement'
2)Normalement on gare un véhicule . Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'expliquer l'emploi du verbe 'se garer'. Moi, j'ai écrit 'garer soi meme' (to park yourself)
Merci a l'avance et je vous souhaite une excellente journee !
Est-ce que je peux écrire
baisser la température
a la place de
faire descendre la temperature
… isn’t it?
Avoir besoin de. Avoir envie de. Devoir. I try guessing by picking one or two or three depending on the activity and invariably get it wrong. I think your explanatory text needs more clarification, especially in the use of avoir envie de as an option for ‘need to’. Thank you for your time.
Can I take a full TCF sample test, to determine my current level?
if ‘avoir envie de’ can be used as an alternative to ‘avoir besoin de’ for saying ‘needs to go to the bathroom’, why can’t it also be used for ‘needs to take a day off’? Isn’t it all down to context in both cases?
I know the masculine form is more dominant than the feminine form. How come the correct answer in this quiz is ‘zombie’ not ‘zombi’?
Please help me "amis fumeurs", is that a compound noun like le service client, etc, help me explain it. Can I use "des amis qui fument (friends who smoke), somehow, it's similar to smoker friends, right?
Bonjour! Un exemple dans cette leçon indique:
>Exemple: Le joli garçon est avec la jolie fille.
Pourquoi c'est "la jolie fille" et pas "la fille jolie"?
[I wrote this in French as practice; but I thought that adjectives follow nouns in French? Is there a lesson going over how to order adjectives?
In addition, I'd love any feedback on the presentation/construction of my question! Writing longer sentences in French is hard.]
It says standalone adjectives after c'est are always masculine.. what if the word is feminine, does it just not work ?? like c'est belle? or c'est fantastique??
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