French language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,994 questions • 30,277 answers • 873,762 learners
I understand that the preposition here has to be en but I can't really get to the bottom of why. Chris has said in this discussion that the form is 's'inscrire en qqch...' but I don't really see this supported by dictionaries where à and dans seem more commonly cited. Is it that the preposition comes before the word quoi ?
I met this sentence: Tu y vas samedi? - J'y vais tous les samedis.
Could it also be: J'y vais le samedi?
Merci d'avance
"Halloween" est une fete americaine (meme si certains commencent a` l'adopter dans des endroits comme Paris ou` bcp d'americains vivent. Ca serait interessant de citer les fetes traditionnelles d'automne en France/ses regions ou les fetes dans des pays francophones, n'est-ce pas? Merci.
Et toi, saliva tu___a la biblioteque, nest-ce pas?
Ce soir, nous___ au cinema pour regarded un documentaries.
Annette et ses amis___au gymnastics pour s'etrainer.
Moi et mon frere, nous____a la maisonette pour diner avec nose parents.
Ou est-ce que vous___ce soir?
Est-ce que tu aimes___au centre commercial pour faire du shopping?
Hassan et son frere_____a la Mason de leur grand-mere pour fever son anniversiaire.
Admittedly, I'm more used to Québécois French, but the recording contains what has to be one of the oddest pronunciations of "ben" I have heard. I expect it to rhyme with "hein" or "en", but I swear the recording is closer to "bamme" than anything else.
Am I missing something, or has my ear glitched? Please let me know.
Thank you for making this available! This is a fantastic resource!
Especially the Robert Desnos poem, it’s so memorable.
Is there topic on negative with "Il ya a" Can't seem to find it.
I found this posting below on Lawless French and I am still confused because they sound contradictory.It says that Imparfait describes an ongoing state yet entirely in the past and Passé Composé indicates a change still continues today.
When you say J’aimais l’école, does it mean that you liked it but not anymore or that you still like it?
Imparfait means that something was true for an uncertain period of time but no longer valid?
Passé Composé is for something that has become true and is still valid?
I agree with James. Please modify or remove this lesson. Antibiotic abuse is a major public health problem. It is important not to encourage their inappropriate use.
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