French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,913 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,765 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,913 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,765 learners
Please clarify why the past subjunctive is used in the phrase Mais cette année, tout ça devra attendre que j'aie fini de passer mes examens
Thank you
Are there more lessons about this pronoun ? I am asking here because Google is being less than useful
In the translation of "... or by starting a new fulfilling hobby.", I chose 'gratifiant’ for ’fulfilling’. It was not accepted. Was it overlooked or is there some distinction that I don’t understand ? Thanks, in advance. BTW, I thought this exercise was easier than the B1 Giving up Smoking.
Why is it wrong to use se tremper as well as avoir tort?
"When I have some money" is translated into "de l'argent". Why is it not "Des argents" or simply "l'argent"?
I was marked wrong for soyez parti (singular). Couldn't the "vous" refer to a singular person where past participle would be parti without an s? What am I not seeing here?
Hi, do you have a lesson/primer on the various accent marks used over letters, including how they are pronounced and when to use them? I have tried several searches on the site and cannot find it.
I find this topic confusing, and it trips me up in the lessons.
Thanks, Larissa
Why are there 9 different types of past tense? NINE?! 🤯 Will even a native speaker really use all those? I give up lol
(Apologies if this is beside the point of the lesson!)
Quand on peut utiliser "des" devant une chose plurielle et quand on doit utiliser "les"?
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