French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,987 questions • 30,269 answers • 873,009 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,987 questions • 30,269 answers • 873,009 learners
Why is it 'des' and not 'd'' (since it means 'of years' and not 'of the years')?
"Courses" is plural and 'liste des courses' is the translation of shopping list in the bilingual Larousse.
Wordreference does list both - 'liste de courses' and 'liste des courses'
What do you mean by "question word"? eg. (question word) + noun + reflexive pronoun + auxiliary verb + pronoun + past participle,
...but this doesn’t appear in the story.
The explanatory phrase, "from a past perspective," needs to be inserted into the Note to make it clear.
Lesson says says que go before what the only is related to
. As he earned only 1000 I put que before 1000 but it is marked wrong. Please explain
I was surprised to see the adjective “diverses” come before the noun “organisations”. Am I right to find this unusual, or is there maybe a rule I’m not aware of?
Would it be possible in the questions to give clues as to whether places are regions, cities, etc.? My French and British geography knowledge isn't that great. I could certainly Google whether places are cities or regions, but as the point of these kwizzes is to determine whether I know the proper preposition to use (and not to test my knowledge of geography), clues would be very helpful! This would be useful for all questions associated with prepositions before named places, not just this lesson. On the plus side, if there were clues as to the type a place is (region, city, etc.), I would gradually learn geography by proxy! Thanks!
Why is "dans la chambre" used rather than "à la chambre"?
Could you say "elles veulent bien aller à ce concert..."?
Can you please clarify the exact French phrase to be used for the ENGLISH phrase "dry cat food"? I have checked my LAROUSSE FRENCH-ENGLISH-FRENCH dictionary and it does not give the meaning of "des croquettes" as "dry cat food". Google Translate gives the meaning of the English phrase "dry cat food" as "nourriture sèche pour chat". Again the puzzling thing is that Google Translate gives the meaning of the English phrase "dry cat foods" as "les aliments secs pour chats". I would like to learn the correct phraseology rather than rely on GOOGLE translate.
Merci beaucoup.
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