French language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,987 questions • 30,269 answers • 873,024 learners
Can other B1 or B2 level students follow it without reading the transcript?
Several words should be added to the vocabulary to be checked in advance of this exercise: la corvée, la lessive, l'aspirateur, tri des déchets, la poubelle et le lave-vaisselle.
These are not A1 level words!
Why is it c'est pierre and not il est pierre?
Chris if you're still there can you help with this please? You said
Il se demandait si elle viendrait. -- He wondered whether she’d come. (Indirect speech)
Je me demande qu’elle vienne. -- I wonder whether she’s coming. (Direct speech)
But the lesson says
"je me demande si tu vas venir ou pas.
I wonder whether you'll come or notSo it seems to me that "Je me demande" is used with "si" + imperative and not que + subjunctive. Can you throw any light on this please?
Hello -
For "We are leaving at 4", I chose, "Nous quittons à quatre heures" instead of "Nous partons à quatre heures", because the lesson says partir must be followed by de or pour when it is not used on its own. Why is "Nous partons à quatre heures" correct? And why is "Nous quittons à quatre heures" wrong?
Why does the place of "magnifique" varies in the sentences below though it's neither an adjective that qualifies a proper noun nor a numerical adjective?
J'ai vu des endroits magnifiques.
Il a mangé de magnifiques gâteaux.
Can someone please explain when to use "s'attendre à" versus "attendre" when talking about expecting? Expecting someone to do something - I was thinking that first sentence might have been "Laissez-moi vous expliquer ce que l'on s'attend à vous" (using the verb "s'attendre à") for "Let me explain what we expect of you", but instead the construction is "... que l'on attend de vous", using "attendre" which I associated with waiting rather than expecting.
Dear all, some queries:
1. Could "I'd been certain" is translated as "je m'étais senti certain" ?
2. Could "la chance n'était pas de mon côté" have been translated as "les chances n'étaient pas de mon côté" ?
3. Could "Nous serions ensuite allés dans sa nouvelle maison" be translated as "Nous serions allés ensuite à sa maison neuve" ? Queries here about "dans sa nouvelle maison" vs "à sa maison neuve" and also about the position of "ensuite" in the sentence.
4. Could "que j'aurais fait meubler au préalable" be translated as "que j’aurais fourni en avance" ?
5. Could "au fil des ans" have been translated as "pendant les années" ?
Thanks in advance as always.
this was my first C1 dictée. I have done all the B2 and B1 dictées so many times- but this is too difficult!
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