French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,987 questions • 30,270 answers • 873,075 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,987 questions • 30,270 answers • 873,075 learners
I chose the correct answer and yet I was scored as if I had not. This is not the first time this has happened. Why does it happen and how can I correct the situation when it happens?
Can you give us a list of all vocabulary as an excel sheet or something? I'd love to make myself some flashcards instead of reading a list for using it with for example the flashcards app Anki. I won't share it if you don't want me to, but if you want to have the Anki deck then you can have it too of course.
J'habite en South Africa.
J'habite au South Africa.
Which one is correct?
If pas encore cannot be used at the end of a sentence then why can I say: On ne travaille pas encore. As in the example given in the lesson?
Merci en avance
I have finished with all the recommended lessons for A0: Entry Level.
How do I start with the next level A1: Beginner?
Bonjour. Thanks for your work and learning resources. I have a question.
In the attention note, shouldn't "I left [from] Paris" be "Je suis parti de paris" without the "e" at the end of "parti" ?
There is a sentence in the text:
" les odeurs de cannelle et d'épices évoquent des souvenirs d'enfance"
I seem to get this wrong quite often - why is there no article after de in all of these cases (de cannelle, d'epices and d'enfance).
Thank you!
Why are the adjectives feminine when transport is masculine?
I don't understand the difference between these two english responses. I chose the scones in the quiz and it was market wrong. Thank you for any clarification.
"Mathilde a rentré la voiture avant qu'il ne pleuve." means:
· Mathilde put the car back (in the garage) before it rained.
· Mathilde returned the car before it rained.
If 'Je suis monté en voiture' means 'I got into the car', how does one say (if visiting someone on a hill and they asks how you got there) 'I came up by car ?
Surely that is also 'Je suis monté en voiture'.....
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