French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,018 questions • 30,324 answers • 877,064 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,018 questions • 30,324 answers • 877,064 learners
"D'abord, nous apprenons les mots de Pâques"
would it be acceptable to say
"D'abord, on apprend les mots de Pâques"
Is "il est parlé couramment" C1-level French grammar? (La Voix Passive Forming La Voix Passive with simple tenses in French (French Passive Voice))
I understand what it means, but if C1 why is it in an A2 grammar lesson?
for example,
« I didn’t eat enough of the cake » - meaning a specific cake, rather than general cake. In this case, is it allowed to say
« Je n’ai mangé pas assez du gateau »
Il a gagné la course, qui est impressionnante.He won the amazing race.
Dans le deuxième, c'est la course qui est impressionnante. C'était la course qui était impressionnants, pas qu'il l'a gagné.
Est-ce-que correct, ce logique ?
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