French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,328 answers • 877,390 learners
I think there is value is amending the lesson to emphasize that sometimes means or or often based on the context.
For example: - at any moment; à tout prix - at any price; à tout propos - at any given opportunity; à tout venant - to anyone and everyone; de tout âge - at any age; en tout cas - in any case; en tout état de cause - in any case, in any event; si je le laisse seul, tout peut arriver - If I leave him alone, anything can happen;
In this song, divin enfant is pronounced as if it were divine enfant. When is the liaison sounded in other adjective-noun groups?
Hi, for “I'd rather be a witch!” = “Je préfèrerais être une sorcière !”. Should the spelling be “préférerais”?
Also, just to let you know, the audio for “ dont je me servirais dans des buts plus ou moins néfastes...” needs correcting.
Mon voyage autour du monde a été une aventure merveilleuse.
Isn't it an opinion? Description?
This is the sentence I'm talking about: He was sick all day yesterday.
This is why I'm confused:
a) It could be imparfait because I believe that when you talk about health, you use the imparfait.
b) It could be passé composé because you know the time-frame of when it (him being sick) took place: all day yesterday.
I'm not 100% certain, but I think this should be , "dûe à" , not "due à"
I have a feeling both spellings are accepted ?
Comments anyone ?
Thanks, Paul.
How do I know canines are feminine? Because the singular ends in ‘e?’
I'm afraid they will be naughty.
(HINT: Conjugate "faire" in the Subjonctif présent)
The suggested correct answer is "fassent"; but why is it not "feront"? Surely, even in French, there is a difference in meaning between "I'm afraid they will be naughty" and "I'm afraid they are naughty"?
Hello there ! I've got a question about subjonctif, can we conjugate these verbes: {penser, croire, imaginer, espérer} on "futur proche ou future simple"?
I mean are they common?
Ex: Après le procès de la semaine prochaine, Julie croira que Margaret est innocente.
And also :Après le procès de la semaine prochaine,Julie ne croira pas que Margaret soit innocente.
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