French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,329 answers • 877,512 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,329 answers • 877,512 learners
Can i use "Au fait" in this sentence instead of "D'ailleurs"? Thanks.
Nous avons attendu pendant qu'il changeait le pneu.
Why is 'que' needed? The 2nd clause uses the imparfait. So, except for le present, can other tenses follow 'pendant que' ?
Could you say "jusqu'à ce que j'aie trouvé la personne" instead of "jusqu'à ce que je trouve la personne"?
When is "le" omitted from "le français"? Is it only with "parler", or is there a general rule? I ask in relation to this Q&A:
"He will study either French or Italian" = "Il étudiera soit le français soit l'italien".
In the exercise "Hanoucca dans ma famille (Vocabulaire)", it is spelled "hanoukkia" with two k's. Are both spellings correct, or just one? Thank you!
One of the examples given is:
- T'appelles-tu Martine?
- Is your name Martine?
How would one say "Is my name Martine?"
My ear says that the kind of inversion describe in this lesson ("M'appelle-je Martine?") isn't allowed in French for the first person singular. But I could be wrong.
In any case, it'd be helpful to add either an example, or a specific note that this isn't allowed, to the lesson. Thanks!
Mes parents ont toujours été là pour moi. Can you help me understand why PC was used and not Imparfait? To me, it seems like a statement of actions that were ongoing or repeated in the past over an undefined period. Merci pour vos conseils !
In the second last sentence, could you use "déposerai" instead of "laisserai"?
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