French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,799 questions • 29,679 answers • 848,329 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,799 questions • 29,679 answers • 848,329 learners
Could you also say here ' nous étions allés écouter des chants de Noël à l'église locale.'?
If the verb is se passer, should it not be "Comment tes vacances se sont-ils passées"
If the verb is simply passer, should it not be "Comment sont passées tes vacances"
The following example is given above:
Voici la date à partir de laquelle la loi prend effet.
Would the following give essentially the same meaning?
Voici la date auquelle la loi prend effet.
Dans ce texte la prononciation de "la ville" n'est pas de tout claire !
This is the first B2 listening exercise that I have transcribed perfectly. Thanks for so many interesting dictées which keep me interested and motivated.
"C'est une petite lampe de bureau en forme de phare breton. "
"C'est très joli ! "
I am reading
"C'est" vs "Il/Elle est" to say it is/she is/he is in French
Based on that, I am thinking this: we have a specific item here, not a general subject like "La science",
so we can't use 2a - c'est for general, unspecific statements and opinions
so why isn't it using : 2b "il est/elle est for statements and opinions related to specific things"
= Elle est très jolie.
Thanks Paul.
Why is "rapports" plural in the first sentence?
Also, in the second sentence, why is there no article before "amis" ("On était amis"), but in another sentence, there is an article ("qu'on soit plus que des amis")?
My Kwiz question was "How could you say "Gregory is going away for the holidays." ?
and the answers included pendant, durant and pour. Is "the holidays" considered to be a clearly defined start and end time?
Do we lose points for omitted commas and other punctuation? When I had dictée exercises in France the instructor/narrator always included reading punctuation marks.
But mauvaise goes before.
Kindly let me know
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