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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,906 questions • 29,979 answers • 860,132 learners
l'homme avec un couteau qui était tapi derrière le fauteuil familier de la femme / the man with a knife who was crouching behind the woman's familiar armchair
An alternative correct answer to the above was "...qui tapissait derrière..."
In that case, shouldn't (my answer) "...qui s'accroupissait derrière...' also be acceptable?
In one of quiz’s question it asks something like qu’est cet homme? And the answer is ; c’est (name of the person). I was wondering if we can say “il est…” instead of c’est. Since its asking about a particular person and while studying “il/elle est” it says if its asking about a specific thing we should use it. I need a bit clarifications please.
Why we have "Je donne de l'argent" and not "Je donne l'argent"
Why is it "bien que ton papa et moi soyons en manque de sommeil" rather than "bien que ton papa et moi ayons été en manque de sommeil"?
I translated 'Mother's Day' as 'fête des Mères' which Kwiziq dinged as a mistake.
The 2013 Compact Oxford Hachette French Dictionary uses the translation 'fête des Mères' (p 719).
I read that there can be much variety in how such events are spelled.
Could it simply be that the spelling l used is not yet known by AI Kwiziq?
Thank you
In the conditional phrase in the second sentence, we have " je ne voulais pas être père...". I have terrible hearing, but I thought I heard d'être père. I know that vouloir does not take a preposition to introduce an infinitive, so I was dubious. I certainly did not hear an elision of the 's' of pas with être. Are my ears deceiving me?
I continually get tripped up with this. I interpret the statement as being the last (previous) time so I enter ‘la fois dernière’ which is marked as incorrect. If the correct answer is ‘la dernière fois’ what is it about the statement that tells me that it’s the last (final) time?
Why isn't "je lui ai fabriqué un album photo" not "j'ai fabriqué pour lui un album photo"? The grammar section on lui v le focuses exclusively on verbs followed by à such as plaire and téléphoner.
Google Translate says "I made an album for him" = "J'ai fait un album pour lui" (but weirdly, "I made a photo album for him" = "Je lui ai fait un album photo").
Why is it not "je ne changerais *pas* ma vie pour rien au monde"? Is "pour rien" a varient of the "ne... rien" negation?
This appeared in my test. The question I have is not around the the subject pronoun, but about "ont de jolies poupées". Is this a rule regarding "avoir de"? So whatever object follows it, whether it's singular or plural you always use "de"?
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