Some alternate translations and learned new vocabularyThis exercise was a good learning experience.
Would "... dans un tel chic restaurant ?" work as well ?
Also, I wrote: "Il se revele que son pere est le gerant de ce restaurant." rather than, "il s'avere que..."
According to Collins, "ll s'est revele que..." = "It turned out that...";
and, "s'averer" = "to prove to be"
"Ce veloute de champignons semble divin." Is using, "semble" in place of "a l'air" equally acceptable?
New Vocabulary:
How did I not know that "un tourte" is for a vegetable pie, (une tarte for a fruit pie)? But, there it is! And, now I know. Merci !
Couldn't find "pithviers" anywhere so assume it is another word for "un tourtre"
"perdrix" and "perveau" "Un pithiviers de perdreau" sounds like it is right out of a nursery rhyme!
Je vous remercie pour cet exercice, et maintenant j'ai l'eau a la bouche !
I had to search for this exercise in the Kwiziq Library Listening Practice.
The link from the Weekend Workout – ‘Eating Out’ takes you to a different exercise titled:
“Father of two”
Hi. Twice I've been marked wrong when I omitted the "heures" when filling in the blanks for a library or such open from one hour to another. It appears that the computer isn't recognizing the section of the lesson ("between to times"). Why? Very confusing.
This exercise was a good learning experience.
Would "... dans un tel chic restaurant ?" work as well ?
Also, I wrote: "Il se revele que son pere est le gerant de ce restaurant." rather than, "il s'avere que..."
According to Collins, "ll s'est revele que..." = "It turned out that...";
and, "s'averer" = "to prove to be"
"Ce veloute de champignons semble divin." Is using, "semble" in place of "a l'air" equally acceptable?
New Vocabulary:
How did I not know that "un tourte" is for a vegetable pie, (une tarte for a fruit pie)? But, there it is! And, now I know. Merci !
Couldn't find "pithviers" anywhere so assume it is another word for "un tourtre"
"perdrix" and "perveau" "Un pithiviers de perdreau" sounds like it is right out of a nursery rhyme!
Je vous remercie pour cet exercice, et maintenant j'ai l'eau a la bouche !
peut-on utilise ménage dans la phrase "Avez-vous demandé au reste de votre maisonnée " ?
Je comprends pas la phrase ´faire doublon’. Mais je comprends parfaitement le mot doublon. Merci.
Hi, the answer for “Commande en même temps” reads “Commande en même temps, ça ira plus vite !”, giving away the next section, which is “ça ira plus vite !”. Also, this feels more like a A1 than a B1.
In the sentence - Comment as-tu réussi à réserver une table dans un restaurant aussi chic ?' - could the word si be used as an alternative to aussi?
My mind gets quite confused by combining the past with the present (subjunctive) in one sentence. This is more a question about the subjunctive mode than about rentrer, but could you explain in which situations you use le passe of the subjunctive? If this sentence used parce que, rather than avant que, what tense would you use? (something like "Mathilde a rentre la voiture parce qu'il allait pleuvoir"? - sorry, no accents; if this structure exists, I wouldn't know what the tense is called!)
Thanks in advance for your clarification!
Bonjour — do you not use the liaison after “vais”? Is it optional or forbidden? Merci.
Is splitting the bill a common occurrence in french restaurants?
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