French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,311 answers • 876,172 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,311 answers • 876,172 learners
Comment écrit-on la fraction-> 1 5/16, 5 1/2, 3 2/3, etc. Je sais écrire la fraction de base, mais quand on ajoute un nombre entier, je suis déconcerté
please direct me to a lesson on how/when to use passé composé with imparfait in a sentence
In the beginning of the text, according to the context, "j'ai travaillé" could very well have been "je travaillais".
In fact, the second is more probable since it fits better: "A few years ago I was working at..." as opposed to " A few years ago I worked at..."
Perhaps this page should also include an explanation when to use "quel".
As far as i remember, one uses "Quel" when the verb is "etre". Is that correct?
Vous laissez tomber = You drop? Is that a valid alternative?
Could someone explain the phrase: "marechal des logis chef..." ?
If he is the chief or boss shouldn't it read: "le chef du/de la/d'...." ?
Merci !
Could a sentence like "Pâques est la fête la deuxieme plus célébrée en France, après Noël" work?
I have a few questions regarding this exercise:
1. The phrase 'je me suis sentie méprisée' - I was a little confused about whether to make 'senti' or 'méprisé' agree with the female speaker. In fact I got it wrong, as I see that both should agree. Could you explain the rule, or do you have a lesson I could look at for this?
2. what is the meaning of 'de l'instrumentalisation du vote barrage'?
3. what is the meaning of 'voter blanc'? I have a good idea but would be very interested to hear an explanation.
Thankyou once again, dudes of Lawless French for an interesting dictée, with some good new vocab.
Thanks in advance for any enlightenment.
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