French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,291 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,291 learners
I was doing a Kwiziq quiz and got thsi question: "
________ appelle mon père.I call my father.I thought the answer was je s'appelles, so I put je s'. The correct answer is "j' ". Why is there no reflexive part to it? No me, se, te or anything. I was a little thrown off by that. It would only be "j'appelle" - is that correct?
I was doing a Kwiziq quiz and came across this question: "How could you ask "What is a fougasse?"
One of the answers I selected was: "Quelle est une fougasse ?"
Can someone explain why this isn't correct?
There seems to be a new font used for posts in the forum. The font looks smaller and "sturdier". In my opinion it is harder to read than the original one. Also, it is more difficult to distinguish bold from regular. I don't know what you guys think, but I'm no fan if it.
I put in (for "I wear warm clothes") "Je porte des habits chauds,". It corrected me with "Je m'habille chaudement". However, I saw in the possible answers there was "Je mets des habits chauds". Is the object ("habits ou vêtements) dependent on the verb ("porter ou mettre)?
In the sentence "tout le monde aide avec les corvées"
1. why is the phase singular if means plurel as in everyone
2. why is corvées feminine? I would have thought corvés as it is a mix of people (potentially)
In the sentence "Julien s'occupe du tri des déchets"
1. why “tri” and not “trie”, I couldn’t find a “tri” in any tenses?
Merci beaucoup
This is not a question about the subjunctive mood, but the sentence was an exercise of it, so I ask my question here.
What is the role of "en" in the following sentence: "Bien que je veuille me reposer, je n'EN ai pas le temps !" Does it mean "I don't have the time for it."? Could you also just write "Bien que je veuille me reposer, je n'ai pas le temps !" without the "en"?
Could someone remind why the subjunctive (j'aie) is used in this context. Thanks
How come the "dix" was pronounced like "di"? I thought the "x" was pronounced at the end.
Thank you!
Why the n in n'arrive? Does this not now translate as 'before it happened'?
Hi, just to let you know, there are three occasions in this exercise where there is “mille-sept-cent…” in the audio, but “dix-sept-cent…” in the text”.
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