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French Listening Practice

French listening exercises by level

Practise your French listening comprehension with our ever-growing collection of interactive French audio articles and listening challenges for every CEFR level from A0 to C1! If you're unsure about your current proficiency, try our test to get your French level before diving into the exercises.

French listening exercise 2 types

All listening exercises are made by our qualified native French teachers to help you improve your listening comprehension and confidence.

We have 2 types of French listening exercises:

  • interactive readers with French audio and text, English translation and suggested French lessons
  • dictation challenges with audio and writing practice

Boost your French listening comprehension by adding the lessons you find most interesting to your Notebook and practising them later.

Click on any exercise to get started.

  • A1: Beginner French listening exercises

  • A brand-new library
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifLiterature, Poetry, TheatreSports & Leisure

    Solène and her children love the newly refurbished library.
  • A day in Paris
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom réfléchiMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Sylvie spends the day in the French capital.
  • A declaration of love
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininGenre masculinFamily & Relationships

    Alice declares her love to her wife Katie.
  • A family photo
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativeFamily & Relationships

    Isabelle and her friend are looking at a family photo.
  • A friendly invitation
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Isabelle and Noémie discuss their afternoon plans.
  • A ghost's life
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERVerbe irrégulierFamily & Relationships

    The ghost of the Palace of Versailles tells us about its life.
  • A little mermaid
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPlurielLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Lovely mermaid Lana tells us about her life!
  • A Luxembourg dish
    Pronom sujetAdjectifPronomFood & Drink

    Find out about one of the most traditional dishes in Luxembourg.
  • A new roommate
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionQuestion/InterrogativeFamily & Relationships

    Gabrielle welcomes her new roommate Simon.
  • A snowy day
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)PlurielSports & Leisure

    Suzanne has a cosy routine for snowy days.
  • A ticket to Madrid!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes modauxIdioms about TimeMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Justine is booking a return flight to Madrid.
  • A walk around Lille
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Benoît is having a nice walk around Lille's city centre.
  • A week of solidarity
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Article définiVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Sophie does something nice for her elderly neighbour every day of the week.
  • Adam's diary
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionInfinitif

    Adam introduces himself and explains why he's starting a diary.
  • An afternoon at the park
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)PlurielSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Nothing nicer than a sunny afternoon at the park!
  • An enthusiastic student
    AdjectifAdjectif possessifGenre féminin

    Emma is ready to go back to school!
  • Arts and crafts with my son
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionArticleSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Isabelle loves doing arts and crafts with her little boy!
  • At the bakery
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativeIdiotismes avec allerFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Mrs Poiret goes to Mr Dulac's bakery this morning.
  • At the hotel
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifQuestion/InterrogativeMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Peter and his girlfriend check in a French hotel.
  • At the market
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifQuestion/InterrogativeFood & Drink

    Mrs Lepic goes to the market to buy some fresh produce.
  • At the supermarket
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticleAdjectifFood & Drink

    Lola and Paul are doing their grocery shopping at the supermarket.
  • At the train station
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet indirectMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLanguage & Education

    Henri needs to buy some train tickets.
  • Bastien's first day back at school
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes avec -OIRVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Bastien starts primary school today.
  • Black Lives Matter
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PronomVerbes réguliers avec -ERPolitics, History & Economics

    Loana explains why she supports the French Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Booking a hotel
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectArticle indéfiniMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Adrien is booking a hotel room.
  • Cannes Film Festival
    Pronom sujetLe Présent (Indicatif)Article définiFilm & TVCelebrations & Important Dates

    Fabien talks about the famous French film festival.
  • Car ride
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifFamily & Relationships

    Laurent tells Julie that he's stuck in traffic.
  • Christmas Day
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielGenre fémininCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Simon has his own Christmas routine.
  • Christmas is near! Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)FuturAdverbeFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Christmas is coming closer and Marina has a lot to do!
  • City or countryside?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Stéphane and Amélie discuss their preferences between living in a city or in the countryside.
  • Crazy about dinosaurs!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionGenre fémininMonuments, Tourism & VacationsTechnology & Science

    Bruno and Flora's boys are all about dinosaurs at the moment.
  • Cunégonde the witch
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Meet the meanest witch in town!
  • Decorating the Christmas tree
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativeLe Futur Proche (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important Dates

    Annabelle and her roommate Martin are putting up their Christmas decorations.
  • Describing myself
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Sophie describes herself to us.
  • Desserts
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERLe Présent (Indicatif)ArticleFood & Drink

    Paul tells us about his most and least favourite desserts.
  • Do you know La Réunion island?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininAdjectifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn a few facts about this French Overseas Territory.
  • Do you like chocolate?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifFood & Drink

    Eloise and Amélie talks about chocolate.
  • Do you like New Year's (celebrations)?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPlurielCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Marie and Laura discuss their plans to celebrate New Year's Eve.
  • Do you practise any sports?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre masculinArticleSports & Leisure

    Thierry and Maya talk about the sports they practise.
  • Easter decorations
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PlurielCelebrations & Important Dates

    Muriel and her daughter Lila are making Easter decorations.
  • Finals' routine
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininPronom réfléchiLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Marina has her exam morning routine sorted.
  • Fixing the roof
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Proche (Indicatif)FuturFamily & Relationships

    Magalie has decided to fix her roof herself.
  • Florence Foresti
    Genre fémininLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifFamous PeopleFilm & TVLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Élodie tells us about Lyon-born, famous stand-up Florence Foresti.
  • Gérard's house
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Lucie interviews Gérard about his house.
  • Gran's omelette
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativePrépositionFood & Drink

    Find out how Eloise's Gran makes her omelette.
  • Happy Mother's Day
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininVerbes réguliers avec -ERCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Caroline enjoys her first Mother's Day!
  • Hide-and-seek with Lucas
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionForme négativeSports & Leisure

    Lucie plays hide-and-seek with her toddler Lucas.
  • How old are you?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierVerbes avec -OIRFamily & Relationships

    Henri tells us how old he and his family are.
  • How to make a croque-monsieur
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionFood & Drink

    Estelle is asking Henri how to make a French croque-monsieur.
  • Hurray for money!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERGenre fémininLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Lydia loves spending money!
  • I don't feel good!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes avec -OIRVerbe irrégulierFamily & Relationships

    Pascal meets with Lucie who doesn't feel well at all.
  • I love my car!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom démonstratif

    Charlotte tells us why she loves driving.
  • I love Superbus!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifGenre masculinMusic

    Sonia tells us about her favourite French band Superbus.
  • In a seaside shop
    AdjectifGenre fémininLe Présent (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Simon and Belinda are picking seaside souvenirs for their family.
  • In my garden
    PlurielLe Présent (Indicatif)Article définiSports & Leisure

    Clara describes her garden.
  • In my town
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielAdjectifSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Gabrielle tells us about her town.
  • In the morning
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Aline tells us about her morning routine.
  • Ivory Coast
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticleArticle définiMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Aminata shares some interesting facts about Ivory Coast.
  • La météo des amies
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom disjonctifTechnology & Science

    Léa and Alice talk about today's weather in their respective cities.
  • Lazy holiday [US: vacation]
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom réfléchiMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Lucie likes being lazy when she's on holiday [US: vacation] at home.
  • Let's meet in the city centre [US: downtown]
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionFuturSports & LeisureTechnology & Science

    Julie and her friends all use different means of transport to meet up.
  • Looking for a job
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininGenre masculinEmployment

    Patrick is looking for an accounting job.
  • Lyon's Light Festival
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Julien enjoys Lyon's Light Festival at Christmas.
  • Mardi Gras's costumes
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifSports & Leisure

    Julie tells us about her favourite Mardi Gras costumes.
  • Marie in France Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbes réguliers avec -ERFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    What does Marie do when she's on a typical holiday [US: vacation]?
  • Marseille's football [US: soccer] club
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifSports & Leisure

    Patrick is a big fan of the Olympique de Marseille, the city's football [US: soccer] club.
  • Morning chat
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativeArticle partitifFood & Drink

    Rosalie and Martin meet at the breakfast table.
  • Mountains are great!
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Camille explains why she loves the mountains.
  • Movie Night
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielPrépositionFilm & TVSports & Leisure

    Louis and Anne are getting ready for a nice movie night at home.
  • My autumn clothes
    AdjectifGenre fémininPlurielFamily & Relationships

    Lucie loves her autumn clothes!
  • My beauty routine
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiGenre fémininSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Anaïs tells us about her beauty routine.
  • My beloved dad
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERArticle définiFamily & Relationships

    Charlotte tells about her beloved dad.
  • My beloved family
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininGenre masculinFamily & Relationships

    Marina talks about her beloved family.
  • My beloved mother
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Aurélie tells us about her mother.
  • My country
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininArticleFamily & Relationships

    Refugee Mina sometimes misses her home country.
  • My family Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Sébastien tells us about his family.
  • My family's favourite French-speaking singers
    Genre fémininLe Présent (Indicatif)PlurielMusicFamily & Relationships

    Stéphanie tells us which (female) Francophone singers are her family's favourites.
  • My favourite bakery
    PlurielGenre fémininLe Présent (Indicatif)Food & Drink

    Camille explains why she loves her local bakery.
  • My favourite chocolate
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFood & Drink

    Vincent and Judith have their own favourite types of chocolate.
  • My favourite drinks
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifFood & Drink

    Aline and Manuel tell us what their favourite drinks are.
  • My favourite French regions
    GenrePlurielVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Aurélie wrote this little poem about her favourite French regions.
  • My favourite trending French singers!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPlurielMusic

    Marco and Olivia discuss their favourite French music artists of the moment.
  • My favourite type of monument
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Patrick and Solange are discussing what type of monument they prefer visiting.
  • My house
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Sophie describes her lovely little house.
  • My international friends
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifFamily & Relationships

    Lucie introduces her friends from all around the world.
  • My language routine
    PlurielTroisième personneGenre masculinLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Lisa has a great routine to improve her English.
  • My life in the Pyrenees mountains
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticlePrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Estelle lives in the Pyrenees mountains, in Southwestern France.
  • My lovely dogs
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Florian tells us about his 2 dogs Gus and Laika.
  • My morning routine
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Idioms about TimePronom réfléchiFamily & Relationships

    Hélène describes her morning routine almost to the minute.
  • My Netflix evenings
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERGenre masculinFilm & TV

    Amélie loves watching Netflix in the evening.
  • My new resolutions
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticleLe Futur Proche (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Amélie tells us about her New Year's resolutions.
  • My son and his books
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielGenre masculinSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Noémie's son has a passion for books !
  • My summer holiday [US: vacation]
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielAdjectifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Paul is travelling to the USA this summer.
  • My Thanksgiving
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERGenre fémininFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Stella explains what she likes about Thanksgiving.
  • My travel money abroad
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Article contractéMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Patricia tells us about the different types of travel money she uses abroad.
  • My Valentine's day schedule
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes modauxVerbe irrégulierSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Sonia has many things to do before her Valentine's date with Luc.
  • Nantes's Machines de l'île
    AdjectifAdjectif possessifLe Présent (Indicatif)Art & DesignMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Danielle loves Nantes's mechanical menagerie attraction.
  • No Hallowe'en for me!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERArticleCelebrations & Important Dates

    Grumpy Gérard tells us why he hates Hallowe'en.
  • November 11 commemorations
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionArticle définiPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Alice explains France's November 11 commemorations.
  • On a terrace
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierQuestion/InterrogativeFood & DrinkSports & Leisure

    Julien and Laure order drinks on a terrace.
  • On the bus
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Thomas needs help figuring out the right bus stop.
  • On the Promenade des Anglais in Nice
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Cindy enjoys a nice walk along Nice's famous seaside promenade.
  • Ordering a pizza
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFood & Drink

    Lucas orders pizzas for everyone.
  • Our Christmas feast
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom réfléchiFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Marie is in charge of this year's Christmas dinner, and there's a lot to do!
  • Our favourite Alsatian dishes
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERArticleFood & Drink

    Sophie and Alex are talking about their favourite Alsatian dishes.
  • Packing my suitcase
    PlurielGenre fémininTroisième personneMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Aline is packing her suitcase for her holiday [US: vacation].
  • Picking a restaurant
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet indirectFood & Drink

    Marina and Joël decide where to go for dinner.
  • Pierre the YouTube star
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPlurielFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Lisa's son Pierre is a millionaire at only 8 years old thanks to YouTube.
  • Pocket money
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielGenre masculinSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Sarah tells us about her pocket money.
  • Postcard from France
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPlurielMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLanguage & EducationSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Émilie sends a postcard from France to her friend Sarah.
  • Professional basketball player
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifArticleEmploymentSports & Leisure

    Jordan talks about his job as a professional basketball player.
  • Quasimodo introduces himself
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    The Hunchback of Notre-Dame introduces himself.
  • Recycling is good!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom démonstratifTechnology & Science

    Sylvie tells us why recycling is a good thing.
  • Sharing out the chores
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Lisa tells us how chores are shared out in her house.
  • Skiing with school
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionGenre masculinSports & Leisure

    Émilie tells us about her skiing school trip.
  • Stéphanie introduces herself
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininPlurielFamily & Relationships

    Meet Stéphanie.
  • Stromae
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPlurielFamous PeopleMusic

    Belgian singer-songwriter Stromae introduces himself. (voiced by Kwiziq voice actor Geoffrey)
  • Sunday cake making
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERArticleFood & Drink

    Stéphanie likes to make cakes with her daughter Pauline on Sundays.
  • Sunday lunch
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionArticleFood & Drink

    Tamara is at the market to buy food for Sunday lunch.
  • Taking care of the house
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERGenre masculinFamily & Relationships

    Lucie takes care of domestic tasks.
  • The good things in life
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Valérie shares her tips to make herself feel better.
  • The months of the year dance
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)PronomSports & Leisure

    Enjoy this little ditty written by Aurelie to remember the months of the year in French!
  • The Sun7 Beach of Marie-Galante
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbes réguliers avec -ERFood & DrinkSports & Leisure

    Élise loves this beach restaurant on the island of Marie-Galante in Guadeloupe.
  • To pick dinner
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifForme négativeFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Philippe and Sonia are discussing what to have for dinner.
  • Too bad!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininForme négativeSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Marie tells Tom why she can't come to Lucie's party tonight.
  • TV or not TV?
    Article définiLe Présent (Indicatif)ArticleFilm & TV

    Mathilde and Amélie have opposite views on watching TV.
  • Unusual weather
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdverbeTechnology & Science

    Margaux and Flora talk about how odd the weather is.
  • Visiting Geneva
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininAdjectifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Danielle is enjoying her visit to Geneva in Switzerland.
  • Visiting my grandparents
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Xavier visits his grandparents every Saturday.
  • Weekend in Bruges
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielAdjectif possessifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Olivia is spending a magical weekend in lovely Bruges.
  • What are they wearing today?
    AdjectifAccordLe Présent (Indicatif)Art & DesignLanguage & Education

    Amélie describes the way her friends are dressed today.
  • What do you like eating in the fall?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFood & DrinkSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Lucie tells us what her favourite autumn food is.
  • What to eat for Halloween?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPlurielFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Emma tells her dad which party food she would like to eat for Halloween.
  • What's the weather like?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Idiotismes : le TempsVerbe irrégulierTechnology & Science

    Gabrielle and her friend Yvan discuss what the weather is like today.
  • What's your favourite mean of transport?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticlePronom démonstratifTechnology & Science

    Mia and Yoan discuss their favourite means of transport.
  • Where are you?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdverbeSports & Leisure

    Pierre is lost and needs directions.
  • Where's the cathedral?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Camille asks for directions on the street in France.
  • Where's the Eiffel tower, please?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Janine gives directions to a group of tourists lost in Paris.
  • Cher journal Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeVerbe irrégulierVerbes avec -DREFamily & Relationships

    Discover Lisa's daily routine while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Entretien avec un vampire Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeQuestion/InterrogativePlurielPrépositionLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Check out this interview inspired by Anne Rice's novel to practise your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • James se présente Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifGenre fémininArticle définiFamily & Relationships

    Listen to this interview of James while practising your A1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La Comptine des Vêtements Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERGenre masculinAdverbeFamily & Relationships

    Practise your A1 French listening skills with a nursery rhyme about clothing.
  • Marie in France Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifGenre fémininArticleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy a day in France while practising your A1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Petits Portraits entre Amis Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifArticlePrépositionArticle définiFamily & Relationships

    Discover these portraits of six friends while practising your reading and listening comprehension.
  • Une semaine bien chargée Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom disjonctifPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Discover Sylvain and Tina's plans for the week, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive l'automne ! Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Genre masculinPrépositionPlurielSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Find out why fall is the best season, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive l'hiver ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionPronom disjonctifPronom d'objet directSports & Leisure

    Find out why winter is the best season, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive le chocolat ! Free Bilingual reader
    AdverbeAdjectifGenre fémininPronom d'objet indirectGenre masculinFood & Drink

    Enjoy this little poem by Aurélie for chocolate lovers everywhere, while practising your A1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive le printemps ! Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPlurielReflexive verbsCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Find out why spring is the best season, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • A2: Lower Intermediate French listening exercises

  • A busy day - part 1 Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionFuturSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Marc tells us about the busy day he has ahead of him!
  • A busy day - part 2
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPlurielSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Marc tells us about the busy day he has ahead of him!
  • A difficult return
    Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininEmployment

    Elizabeth isn't looking forward to going back to work.
  • A great cleaning company
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directVerbes réguliers avec -EREmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Esther talks to Amélie about a great cleaning agency.
  • A hectic dinner!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Food & DrinkSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Caroline tells us about last night's hectic dinner!
  • A lazy morning
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes avec être comme auxiliairePrépositionSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Gabrielle and her boyfriend Cyril had a lazy morning.
  • A little girl's bedroom
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifAdjectif possessifArt & DesignFamily & Relationships

    Louise has just redecorated her daughter's room.
  • A missed invitation
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Romain tells Sophie why he can't go to Lisa's birthday party.
  • A perfect anniversary
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Marielle had the most perfect anniversary.
  • A present for everyone!
    PlurielLe Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifCelebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Henriette tells us what Christmas presents she got for her relatives.
  • A ride in a hot air balloon
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom d'objet indirectPolitics, History & EconomicsSports & Leisure

    Learn more about the origin of hot air balloons and join us for a ride!
  • A stressed mum [US: mom]!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directGenre masculinFamily & Relationships

    Camille is stressing out her mother who has a lot to do today.
  • A successful birthday party!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininParticipe passéSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Florence's son had a space-themed party for his birthday!
  • A very simple Thanksgiving
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Proche (Indicatif)FuturFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Christina's Thanksgiving has to be simpler this year, but everyone is helping!
  • A walk around town
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Marie took her English cousin Peter on a walk around the village.
  • A walk in the woods
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Sabrina went for a long walk in the snowy woods.
  • A week of chores
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Participe passéArticle définiFamily & Relationships

    Laurent had a busy week taking care of the household chores.
  • A wrong number
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeAdjectifLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Lucas called the wrong number!
  • A young first aider
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre masculinFamily & Relationships

    Benjamin was 13 when he saved his brothers' lives.
  • All Saints' Day in France
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbes réguliers avec -ERCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn how French people celebrate All Saints' Day.
  • An amazing hotel!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Margaux is delighted with the hotel she spent the weekend at.
  • Arnaud the traveller
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Charlotte tells us about her friend Arnaud who loves traveling.
  • Around the barbecue
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionFood & DrinkSports & Leisure

    Stéphane and Aline have a chat around the barbecue.
  • At a cousin's wedding
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Last weekend, Tatiana was at her cousin Hugo's wedding.
  • At breakfast
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdverbeFood & Drink

    Lucie is grumpy this morning at the breakfast table.
  • At Sarlat's tourist office
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Présent (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Éric is asking for info to visit Perigord's famous medieval city.
  • At the Château de Cheverny
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & VacationsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Laurence visited one of the most famous Loire Valley Castles.
  • At the Christmas market
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Stéphane goes to the Christmas market every December.
  • At the circus Free
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PlurielGenre masculinSports & Leisure

    Adeline went to the circus yesterday and tells us all about it!
  • At the dentist's
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeVerbe irrégulierLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Liliane is at the dentist's for a toothache.
  • At the doctor's
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticleAdverbeFamily & Relationships

    Mrs Potin goes to see the doctor for a cold.
  • At the florist's
    Pronom d'objet indirectLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Greg wants to buy some flowers for his Valentine.
  • At the garage
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERLe Présent (Indicatif)Technology & Science

    Laura brings her car to the garage.
  • At the garden centre
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionSports & Leisure

    Annie and Flora bump into each other at the garden centre.
  • At the gift shop
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Lydia is looking for a souvenir for her niece Hayley in Paris.
  • At the Parc de la Tête d'or (English: "Park of the Golden Head") in Lyon
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Participe passéVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Sabrina took her nephew to Lyon's favourite park.
  • At the restaurant
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectQuestion/InterrogativeFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Ophélie is ordering food at the restaurant.
  • At the swimming pool
    AdjectifPlurielGenre masculinSports & Leisure

    Muriel went to the swimming pool yesterday.
  • Bad luck at the casino
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Forme négativeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Yvan is not very happy with his first time in a casino.
  • Becoming a ballerina
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininPlurielSports & Leisure

    Gaëlle always knew she'd become a ballerina.
  • Becoming an aunty!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes avec être comme auxiliaireLe Présent (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Aurélie has become an aunt for the first time!
  • Bickering between sisters
    Pronom d'objet directLe Présent (Indicatif)Mode impératifFamily & Relationships

    Anna and Fifi are having a heated argument.
  • Billing problem
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Présent (Indicatif)Food & DrinkSports & Leisure

    There's been a mistake on Julie and Olivier's restaurant bill.
  • Celebrating Hanukkah
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronomCelebrations & Important DatesLanguage & Education

    Rachelle celebrated the first day of Hanukkah with her son Sam.
  • Chestnut trees
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERSports & Leisure

    In the fall, Christine loves going to the woods to pick up chestnuts.
  • Choosing your studies
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Language & Education

    Lisa and Marc discuss what they've chosen to study at uni.
  • Christmas Eve
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifDeuxième personneCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Here's what Yann, 8, did on Christmas Eve.
  • Didier Drogba, my favourite football [US:soccer] player
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionFamous PeopleSports & Leisure

    A father discusses his football [US:soccer] idol Didier Drogba with his daughter.
  • Dispute entre frère et sœur
    Pronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Mum [US: Mom] has to get involved in an argument between Bruno and his sister Julie.
  • Dune of Pilat
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERVerbes avec être comme auxiliaireMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Sabrina saw this famous sand dune for the first time this summer.
  • Easter in France
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionArticle définiCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about some of France's Easter traditions.
  • Easter morning
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Participe passéPrépositionCelebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Alice tells us about her children's egg hunt.
  • Entretien avec une chanteuse
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Participe passéMusicFamily & Relationships

    Arnaud interviews singer Mélanie about her latest tour.
  • First encounter
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Anissa remembers her first impressions of Thomas.
  • Following the news
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPolitics, History & EconomicsTechnology & Science

    Liliane tells us how and why she follows the news regularly.
  • Gaspesia
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn about the Gaspé Peninsula, also known as Gaspesia, in Quebec, Canada.
  • Girls night out
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionFood & DrinkSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Julie spent the night out with her best friend Sophie.
  • Hello!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeVerbe irrégulierFamily & Relationships

    Alice tells us a bit about herself.
  • Hurray for Love!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeFamily & Relationships

    Danielle loves everything romantic!
  • Hurray for Music Day!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes avec -OIRVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesMusic

    Lucas explains to his friend Samia what "la Fête de la Musique" is in France.
  • Hurray for the library!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininAdjectif possessifLiterature, Poetry, TheatreSports & Leisure

    Irène tells us why she loves going to the library.
  • Hurray for yoga!
    AdverbeLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Justine tells her friend Mina about starting to do yoga.
  • I hate Valentine's Day!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeVerbes réguliers avec -ERCelebrations & Important Dates

    Margaux tells us why she hates Valentine's Day.
  • In the fitting room
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdjectifEmploymentSports & Leisure

    Sophie needs some help in the fitting room [US: dressing room].
  • International Star Wars Day
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PronomLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Film & TVCelebrations & Important Dates

    Juliette loves celebrating Star Wars Day.
  • Itinerary in Chartres
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Participe passéVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Bastien went from Chartres's train station to its stained glass museum.
  • Jean Paul Gaultier
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeArt & DesignFamous People

    Sylvie tells her friend about famous French fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier.
  • Lost on the beach
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativePrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Arnaud needs help finding his spot back on the beach.
  • Ma nouvelle alimentation bio
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PlurielGenre masculinFood & DrinkTechnology & Science

    Louise tells us how she changed her diet for environmental reasons.
  • Making Easter eggs
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Locution prépositiveFood & Drink

    Élodie made her own Easter eggs this year.
  • March on March 8
    AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Joseph went to the Women's March on March 8.
  • Marie-Antoinette
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Here's a quick biography of Marie-Antoinette, "last" queen of France (pre-French Revolution).
  • Meeting my nephew
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Henri met his baby nephew in the maternity ward.
  • Memories of a bookseller
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifAdjectif possessifLiterature, Poetry, TheatreSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Brigitte used to work in a bookshop.
  • Mime Marceau
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbes avec être comme auxiliaireArt & DesignFamous People

    Xavier is a big fan of the world famous Strasbourg-born mime.
  • My aunt Elsa
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielAdjectifFamily & Relationships

    Jérémie loves his fun auntie Elsa!
  • My beloved cat
    AdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Timothé tells us about his adorable cat Flocon.
  • My childhood's bedroom
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre masculinGenre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Yann's childhood bedroom was very colourful.
  • My dog Jack and I
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdverbe

    Émilie talks about her beloved dog Jack.
  • My favourite heroines
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Listen to Lucie and Eve talking about their favourite book heroines.
  • My favourite sport
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Find out which new sport Marianne has enjoyed at school.
  • My first console
    Genre fémininLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Émilie got her first console for her birthday.
  • My first day at school
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Lisa remembers her first day of school.
  • My first time voting
    Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininPolitics, History & Economics

    Emma was very excited to be voting for the first time!
  • My flat is too hot! [US: apartment]
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Annie's flat [US: apartment] is unbearable during heatwaves.
  • My friends' birthdays
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Laurent is good at remembering birthdays.
  • My goldfish
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierLanguage & Education

    Émilie loves her goldfish Oscar !
  • My little brother
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Léon's younger brother is his best friend... now!
  • My lively love life
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Lisa tells us about her latest dating experience.
  • My love story
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Léo tells us how he met his husband, Jean-Marc.
  • My neighbour Gilbert
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Frank got to know his elderly neighbour.
  • My new computer
    AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininTechnology & Science

    Irène's new computer is much better than her old one!
  • My penpal
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Marina tells us how she met her penpal Sophie.
  • My programme for last week
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Article définiVerbe auxiliaireSports & Leisure

    Jacques had a very busy week of activities!
  • My son's moods
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Mathilde's son was always in a bad mood until she tried something new.
  • My summers in Biarritz
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Carole remembers her childhood summers spent in the lovely Basque capital.
  • Next door's construction works
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Aline can't wait for next door's construction works to be over!
  • On Hallowe'en Night Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesLanguage & Education

    On Hallowe'en night, monsters have fun!
  • On Music Day
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)MusicSports & Leisure

    Samuel really enjoyed Music Day this year.
  • Opening a bank account
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre masculinAdjectif possessifImmigration & CitizenshipFamily & Relationships

    Jean-Pascal just opened a new bank account.
  • Our favourite (female) singers
    Genre fémininGenre masculinL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Music

    Axelle and Léana are talking about their favourite French-speaking female singers.
  • Our New Year's resolutions
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierFamily & Relationships

    After a difficult year, Hélène and Sylvie made nice plans for 2022.
  • Postcard from the South of France
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Emma writes to her parents about her holiday [US: vacation].
  • Receiving a bad present
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Jules never knows how to react to bad presents.
  • Recycling with your family
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAccordFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Jonathan's family is organising their recycling.
  • Retirement drinks
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Diane gives a toast to Robert, who's retiring.
  • School bag nursery rhyme
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdjectif possessifLanguage & Education

    Ever wondered what goes on in your school bag at night... Here's an original nursery rhyme by Aurélie.
  • School in France
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifLanguage & Education

    Learn about the early stages of school in France.
  • Shoes by the fireplace
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directCelebrations & Important DatesLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Frank is keen to know about this old French Christmas tradition.
  • Show love to our parents
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Julie and Sarah discuss how to show their parents how much they love them.
  • Sibling squabbles
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Brother and sister Luc and Elsa are having an argument.
  • Some hilarious toddlers' tantrums
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Parents share some of their children's irrational tantrums.
  • Some lovely neighbours
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifGenre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Joséphine is very grateful for her helpful young neighbours.
  • Sports fanatics
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Article définiPrépositionSports & Leisure

    Anne-Marie and her friend Nicolas used to practise lots of different sports.
  • Thanks for my birthday!
    Adjectif possessifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Première personneSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Julien thanks his partner Patricia for his surprise birthday party.
  • The 14th of July
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom sujetAdjectifPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important DatesImmigration & Citizenship

    Do you actually know why France's National Day is July 14th?
  • The Fest-Noz
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)ArticleCelebrations & Important DatesMusic

    Julien finds out what type of music festival Fest-Noz is.
  • The first woman astronomer
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifFamous PeoplePolitics, History & EconomicsTechnology & Science

    Edmée Chandon, first French female astronomist, tells us about herself.
  • The Parade
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERParticipe passéSports & Leisure

    This year, Aurélie is organising Mardi Gras's parade!
  • The power to change
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Émilie realised she had the power to change.
  • The red carpet
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionArt & DesignLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Sabrina and her husband were very elegant on the red carpet.
  • The teacher's instructions
    Mode impératifL'Impératif PrésentAdjectif possessifLanguage & Education

    At the start of a French lesson, the teacher gives instructions to the students.
  • The wigmaker
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif indéfiniLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Art & DesignEmploymentLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Geoffrey used to work as a wigmaker at the opera.
  • This time, I'm quitting!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre masculinGenre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Louis tried to stop smoking before, but this time will be different!
  • To text or to phone?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectTechnology & Science

    Lucie and Danielle tell us whether they prefer to text or call people.
  • Traffic issues in my city
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Technology & Science

    Bastien talks about his city's main environmental issue: traffic.
  • Two little pranksters
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Lila and her brother Thomas love playing pranks on their parents.
  • Upgrading your hotel room
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeAdjectifEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Anna would like to upgrade her room for a better view.
  • Visit of Montpellier's Fabre Museum
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PlurielGenre fémininArt & DesignMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Léa enjoyed her visit of Montpellier's main art museum.
  • Visiting Brest
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierVerbe auxiliaireMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Paul tells Emmanuelle about his trip to Brest, Brittany.
  • Waking up at the campsite
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Julien greets Hélène outside their tent in the morning.
  • Wardrobe Changes
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PlurielTroisième personneArt & Design

    Mélanie is happy to say goodbye to winter fashion.
  • Washing the car
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & Relationships

    Élise washed her car this weekend.
  • Water polo
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Samir tells us about his favourite sport: water polo.
  • Weekend in Colmar
    AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Alissa spent the weekend in Alsace's lovely city of Colmar.
  • What is a staycation?
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Louanne explains the concept of staycation to her friend.
  • What is International Women's Day?
    PrépositionAdjectifLocution prépositiveCelebrations & Important DatesLanguage & Education

    Aurélie tells us what the International Women's Day is about.
  • What is the best film genre?
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PlurielFilm & TV

    Ella and Victor chat about their favourite film genre.
  • Where to park?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureTechnology & Science

    Sarah and Bastien are looking for a parking space in town.
  • Who am I?
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Famous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    A French author is introducing herself: will you guess who she is?
  • Winter forecast
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Impératif PrésentTechnology & Science

    Find out what the weather is going to be like.
  • Working in francophonie Free
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Language & Education

    Lucie liked working to promote Francophone culture around the world.
  • Yule log
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn how to make a simple Yule log!
  • Zidane
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Famous PeopleSports & Leisure

    The most famous French footballer [US:soccer player] introduces himself.
  • À la gare Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierVerbes modauxMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Buy some train tickets with Geoffrey and Agathe, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Au téléphone avec Maman Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectIdiotismes avec avoirFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy this "very familiar" phone conversation between a mother and her son, while practising your A2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • C'est quoi les Outre-mer ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifQuestion/InterrogativePronom d'objet direct

    Learn about France's overseas territories and their different statuses, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Carte postale Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet indirectReflexive verbsPronom d'objet directFood & DrinkSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy this postcard about Magalie's stay with her grandparents, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Chaud ou froid ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeForme négativePronom disjonctifFamily & Relationships

    Too hot or too cold? Luc and Amélie discuss their preferences in this A2 bilingual reader.
  • En arrivant à l'hôtel Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionQuestion/InterrogativePronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)EmploymentMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Check into a French hotel with Mrs Vallée, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Halloween Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom d'objet indirectGenreFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Learn about Hallowe'en, while practising your A2 French reading and listening skills.
  • Kwiziq French Film Fest Free Bilingual reader
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdjectifAdjectif possessifPrépositionArticleFilm & TV

    Discover Kwiziq team's French film mini reviews of their favorite movies.
  • La fin des vacances Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPlurielMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy this podcast interview about the end of holiday [US: vacation] while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • La semaine des Martin Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierParticipe passéArticleSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Article about a busy week of activities for the Martin family.
  • Léo et Popi : la Galette des Rois Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Impératif PrésentMode impératifVerbe irrégulierAdverbeFilm & TVFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Enjoy this lovely children's cartoon about la Galette des Rois, featuring classic French characters Léo et Popi, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Lettre à France - Michel Polnareff Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directForme négativePronom d'objet indirectFamous PeopleMusic

    Enjoy French singer Michel Polnareff's cult love "letter" to France, and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Lettre à un ami Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectifPrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Catch up with Kévin's life in this letter, while practising your A2 French reading and listening skills.
  • Ma première rentrée des classes Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom disjonctifLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Élodie remembers her first day of school in this A2 bilingual article.
  • Mes chats Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directPrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Meet Cécile's lovely cats, while practising your French A2 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Petit Ours Brun fait des crêpes Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Make delicious crêpes with cute cartoon Petit Ours Brun, while practising your French A2 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Petit Pangolin Malin - Comptine d'Afrique Free Bilingual reader
    Adjectif possessifL'Impératif PrésentMode impératifAdjectifPronom démonstratifMusic

    Listen and sing along to this cute African nursery rhyme, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Thanksgiving chez mon correspondant Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifVerbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy Eric's first Thanksgiving experience, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Un dîner d'automne au restaurant Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifQuestion/InterrogativePronom d'objet indirectFood & Drink

    Order a nice autumnal meal at a French restaurant, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Un mauvais numéro Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Wrong number! Listen to this friendly exchange while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Un samedi à Paris Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)ArticleVerbe irrégulierPrépositionVerbes avec être comme auxiliaireMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Take a stroll around Paris while working on your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Une journée chargée Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdjectifPrépositionForme négativeSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Lucas has a busy day of shopping and socialising in this bilingual article.
  • What is Ramadan? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticlePrépositionAdjectifForme négativeCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the holy month of Ramadan, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • B1: Intermediate French listening exercises

  • "Pot Luck" [US: The Spanish Apartment]
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifPrépositionFilm & TVLanguage & EducationSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Discover the plot of the French film "Pot Luck" [US: The Spanish Apartment].
  • A call to the bank
    Pronom d'objet indirectAdjectif possessifPronom d'objet directEmploymentPolitics, History & Economics

    Philippe is calling his bank about a letter he received recently.
  • A costly project
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierForme négativePolitics, History & EconomicsFamily & Relationships

    Martine wants to reduce her spending to buy a new car.
  • A day with Astérix
    Le Conditionnel PrésentLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)AdjectifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Patricia hopes to be able to take her kids to the Parc Astérix tomorrow.
  • A December tradition
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionGenre masculinFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Solène remembers what she and her mother used to do every December.
  • A delicious essay!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectVerbes avec être comme auxiliaireLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Isabelle has the perfect excuse for not handing her homework in...
  • A different New Year's Eve
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Stéphane has planned quite different New Year celebrations for this year.
  • A dog paw mystery
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionSports & LeisureFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Lucie's little puppy Rouky seems to have hurt his paw...
  • A girls Valentine's Day
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronomSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Charlotte is spending this year's Valentine's Day with her best friends!
  • A hectic visit to the museum
    Verbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Forme négativeFamily & Relationships

    Sisters Manon and Émilie are bickering during a visit to the museum!
  • A little visitor
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet indirectLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    A little hedgehog started visiting Inès and her family.
  • A long journey on public transport
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes avec être comme auxiliairePrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsTechnology & Science

    Hugo tells us about his 8-hour trip to France.
  • A mother's secret
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom d'objet indirectAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Magalie wonders how her mother is so good at embarrassing her.
  • A poem for my mother
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLanguage & EducationLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Here's a lovely poem by our own Aurélie to celebrate Mother's Day in flowers.
  • A present can hide another one
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Cathy has a nice surprise in stock for her mother on Mother's Day.
  • A professional's cleaning hacks
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Mode impératifEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Listen to Paul, a cleaning expert, giving tips to help you in your everyday chores.
  • A proud dad
    Adjectif possessifGenre fémininGenre masculinFamily & Relationships

    Geoffrey tells us about his three beloved children.
  • A rainy afternoon
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbeVerbes réguliers avec -ERTechnology & Science

    Célia and Barbara are talking about the rain.
  • A spoiled weekend
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Marie's romantic weekend away gets spoiled by unforeseen bad weather.
  • A teen's bedroom
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)PlurielAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Florence is giving her son chores to tidy up his messy room.
  • A very specific order
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes avec -DREForme négativeFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Sally wants her dessert served in a very specific way.
  • A well-supplied shop
    PrépositionAdverbeLe Présent (Indicatif)EmploymentCelebrations & Important Dates

    Nathalie's shop is full of Valentine's Day goodies!
  • Advice to deal with the heatwave
    Mode impératifL'Impératif PrésentPrépositionTechnology & Science

    Gabriel gives us advice to deal with the heatwave.
  • Aperitifs outside
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Julien enjoys aperitifs with friends on long summer evenings.
  • At McDonald's
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom disjonctifFood & Drink

    Magalie and Marc order at a French McDonald's.
  • At the Cannes Festival
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionFilm & TVCelebrations & Important Dates

    Damien will enjoy the Cannes Festival in person this year.
  • At the DIY shop
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Paul asks the DIY shop assistant for some advice.
  • At the haberdashery [US: sewing store]
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Sophie goes to the haberdashery [US: sewing store] to get some advice.
  • At the mechanic's
    PronomLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Participe passéFamily & Relationships

    Sylvie went to pick up her car from the garage.
  • At the mini golf
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Alicia and Thomas enjoy an afternoon of mini golf.
  • At the Nice Carnival
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Florence is excited to go to the Nice Carnival next winter!
  • At the ophthalmologist's
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifVerbe irrégulierEmploymentTechnology & Science

    Élodie goes to the ophthalmologist for a routine eye check.
  • At the pharmacy
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directEmploymentFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Victor goes to the pharmacy.
  • At the travel agency
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directAdjectif possessifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Margot is asking her travel agent about visiting French-speaking countries in Africa.
  • Babysitting my niece and nephew
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbes avec être comme auxiliaireFamily & Relationships

    Anissa babysat her niece and nephew this weekend.
  • Booking a taxi from a hotel
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPronom d'objet directEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Pierre is booking a taxi from his hotel reception for an early start.
  • Bye bye Beach
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Say farewell to summer with this text inspired by Brigitte Bardot's famous song "La Madrague".
  • Camping in the mountains
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Solène went camping in the French Alps with her friend Tina.
  • Checking out of the hotel
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectif possessifEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Laëtitia is leaving her hotel.
  • Christmas shopping
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeVerbes réguliers avec -ERCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Valérie left her Christmas shopping to the last minute again!
  • Claude François, an essential singer
    Adjectif possessifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionFamous PeopleMusic

    Véronique and Marilyne talk about French singer Claude François.
  • Clovis, king of the Franks
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifGenre fémininPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Learn about the first king of the Franks.
  • Colette's house
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifGenre fémininPolitics, History & EconomicsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Laurence enjoyed visiting the famous French writer's childhood house.
  • D-Day beaches
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Geoffrey is planning a historical trip to Normandy's D-Day beaches.
  • Daisy at the vet
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Madame Lambert takes her dog, Daisy, to the vet.
  • Dealing with going back to work after a holiday [US:vacation]
    PrépositionInfinitifPronom réfléchiEmployment

    Jean-François gives us some tips to ease going back to work.
  • Domestic squabble
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre masculinAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Lola and Paul are arguing over Paul's messiness.
  • Dungeons and Dragons Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPronom relatifSports & Leisure

    Sylvain is a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons.
  • Easter egg hunt
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Jonathan is in charge of the family's Easter egg hunt this year.
  • FFL Tutor
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom relatifEmploymentLanguage & Education

    Thérèse teaches French as a Foreign Language to immigrants.
  • Finding a guitar teacher
    Verbe irrégulierLe Conditionnel PrésentQuestion/InterrogativeEmploymentMusic

    Olivia is looking for a guitar teacher.
  • Finding an apartment in Orléans
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeEmploymentImmigration & Citizenship

    Stéphanie is looking for an apartment in Orléans.
  • Future grandma
    Genre fémininGenre masculinLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Viviane can't wait to become a dotting grandma!
  • Getting ready to go skiing
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionArticleSports & Leisure

    Jean-Marc's family is getting ready to go skiing this winter!
  • Grateful grandchildren
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objetSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Céline's children wrote messages of gratitude to their grandparents.
  • Hello, the Fire Brigade?
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Élodie is calling the Fire Brigade.
  • Holiday [US: vacation] abroad
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Participe passéMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLanguage & Education

    Mélanie was happy to know some Italian on her holiday [US: vacation]!
  • Holiday [US: Vacation] in the Pays de la Loire region
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPlurielMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Anne asks Joséphine for recommendations when visiting the Pays de la Loire region in France.
  • Holiday [US:Vacation] in Angers
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPlurielMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Henri and Sabrina spent their winter holiday [US:vacation] in the French city of Angers.
  • Holiday dream Free
    Le Conditionnel PrésentVerbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Lucas dreams of his perfect sunny holiday!
  • Holidays in Montreal
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Gaspard looks forward to finally visiting Montreal.
  • How to get a library card?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifGenre masculinSports & Leisure

    Alana lost her library card and she's asking how to get a new one.
  • How to improve your health when you're 60 and up?
    Pronom réfléchiLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionSports & Leisure

    Here are a few ideas on how to improve your health when you're 60 and up.
  • I don't want to get sick!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERAdverbeLanguage & Education

    Monica is annoyed: despite all her efforts, she gets sick every year!
  • I love swimming!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directSports & Leisure

    Vincent tells us about his passion for swimming.
  • I love The Fifth Element!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeVerbes avec être comme auxiliaireFilm & TV

    Audrey talks about her love for Luc Besson's "The Fifth Element".
  • I want a bigger flat! [US: apartement]
    Le Conditionnel PrésentVerbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Valérie dreams of a bigger flat [US: apartement] than her current studio.
  • If I could be invisible
    Le Conditionnel PrésentLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)AdverbeSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Olivia imagines everything she would do if she could be invisible.
  • If my dad won the lottery...
    Le Conditionnel PrésentLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directSports & Leisure

    Victor knows exactly what his dad would do with this money!
  • J'adore nager !
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Forme négativeSports & Leisure

    Émilie loves swimming, but it wasn't always the case.
  • King's day
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Marie tells us about the French tradition of the "galette des rois".
  • Laundrette's memories
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Sébastien remembers his afternoons at his grandparents' laundrette.
  • Leaving for Rio
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectAdjectif possessifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Captain Patrick Dupuis does the flight announcement.
  • Leaving home
    AdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Stéphane tells us of his loving relationship with his parents as he's about to leave home.
  • Leaving on holiday [US: vacation] Free
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERVerbes réguliers avec -IRMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Valérie's family has to get up early to get a plane tomorrow, but no worries! She's very organised.
  • Luxembourg City's Saint Quirin chapel
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininAdjectifArt & DesignMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Henri discovered a fascinating place in Luxembourg City.
  • Meeting Éric
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Participe passéFamily & Relationships

    Charlotte remembers how she met her husband-to-be.
  • Motor vehicle inspection appointment
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directLe Présent (Indicatif)Technology & Science

    Martin books an appointment for his car's inspection.
  • My Christmas day
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERVerbes réguliers avec -IRCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Léonie tells us what she'll do on Christmas day!
  • My dream house
    Le Conditionnel PrésentGenre fémininGenre masculinFamily & Relationships

    Angela describes what her dream house would be like.
  • My gap year
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Genre fémininGenre masculinEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Gaspard has big plans for his gap year before university.
  • My ideal man
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom relatifFamily & Relationships

    Charlotte describes what her ideal man would look like.
  • My ideal New Year's Eve
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Ilona knows exactly how she'll celebrate New Year's Eve next year.
  • My idol Roger Federer
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Famous PeopleSports & Leisure

    Philippe tells us why he admires the famous Swiss tennisman so much.
  • My most beautiful role: mum [US:mom]
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom réfléchiLe Présent (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Laura loves everything about being a mother, the good and... the less good!
  • My New Year's Eve's night
    Verbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    This year, Alice is hosting New Year's Eve !
  • My next camping trip
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierSports & Leisure

    Olivia is getting ready for her camping trip next month.
  • My skiing holiday [US: vacation] in Albertville
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Florian hopes to go back to Albertville for his skiing holiday [US: vacation] this year.
  • My smartphone's GPS
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbes réguliers avec -ERTechnology & Science

    Flora gives Eric some tips on how to use the GPS on a smartphone.
  • Neighbours at odds
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Neighbours Lucien and Henri really don't get along.
  • On election day in France
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionPolitics, History & Economics

    Géraldine and Olivier are meeting outside the polling station.
  • Ouch ouch ouch!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPronom relatifFamily & Relationships

    Ouch! Pascal lists all his ailments for his doctor ... (Loosely inspired by Gaston Ouvrard's famous song "Je n'suis pas bien portant")
  • Paediatrician's appointment
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Mode impératifPronom réfléchiEmploymentFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Thierry takes his 2-month-old daughter to the paedatrician for a routine check-up.
  • Parity at work
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbePronom indéfiniEmployment

    Christine asked the HR manager for a raise.
  • Quebec specialities
    PrépositionAdjectifPronom d'objet indirectFood & Drink

    Discover some delicious Quebec specialities.
  • Queen Elizabeth II's death
    PrépositionAdjectif possessifGenre fémininFamous PeopleFilm & TVPolitics, History & Economics

    Here's a French news announcement about the death of the long-reigning British Queen.
  • Reading assembly instructions
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativePrépositionLanguage & EducationTechnology & Science

    Fiona and Danielle are trying to build a new bookshelf but there's a problem with the instructions.
  • Seaside holidays [US: vacations] vs Mountain holidays [US: vacations]
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Alice prefers seaside holidays [US: vacations] to going to the mountains.
  • Second-hand fashion
    AdverbeForme négativeVerbe irrégulierSports & LeisureFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Sonia decided to stop buying brand-new clothes.
  • Shape up plan
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiSports & Leisure

    Sylvie wants to get in shape for her next holiday [US: vacation].
  • Simone Veil
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Irène introduces this larger-than-life French magistrate and politician.
  • Simone Veil and abortion rights in France
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionGenre fémininFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Laura and Émilie discuss Simone Veil's legacy and her fight for French women's rights.
  • Snow White
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPremière personneLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Once upon a time, there was a princess named Snow White...
  • Some famous boats in Brest
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom relatifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & LeisureTechnology & Science

    Gaëlle and Maya talk about famous ships from Brest, Brittany.
  • Spring allergies
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLanguage & Education

    Blandine is not looking forward to her spring allergies...
  • Star Wars or Star Trek ?
    AdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom relatifFilm & TV

    Star Wars or Star Trek? Marc and Carrie both have interesting arguments.
  • Swimming with dolphins
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PlurielLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Émilie can't wait to realise her life-long dream of swimming with dolphins.
  • Taking your driving test
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Reflexive verbsAdjectif possessifEmploymentTechnology & Science

    Inès is taking her driving test today.
  • Tartiflette recipe
    Mode impératifL'Impératif PrésentAdjectifFood & Drink

    Sandra gives us her delicious tartiflette recipe.
  • Tea or coffee?
    Pronom d'objet directLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifFood & Drink

    Joséphine discusses the benefits of these two hot favourites.
  • Teamwork
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Xavier tells us why he likes working in a team.
  • Thanksgiving with my family
    PlurielGenre fémininLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Jimmy is looking forward to spending Thanksgiving at home.
  • The abolition of slavery in France
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Politics, History & Economics

    Learn about the interesting history of the abolition of slavery in France.
  • The Butterfly House
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Julien tells Sabine about visiting the interesting Butterfly House.
  • The charms of a fireplace
    Le Conditionnel PrésentLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERArt & Design

    Caroline tries to convince her partner Éric of the charms of a traditional fireplace.
  • The dessert menu
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionFood & Drink

    Sofia and Romain are looking at a restaurant's dessert menu.
  • The European Parliament in Strasbourg
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiAdjectifPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about this European institution located in Strasbourg.
  • The garbage can in France
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativePolitics, History & EconomicsTechnology & Science

    Find out how the French "poubelle" came to be.
  • The hotel reception's recommendations
    Le Conditionnel PrésentVerbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Art & DesignMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Aline discusses her Parisian holiday [US: vacation] programme with the hotel's receptionist.
  • The Lille Braderie
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Rose can't wait to visit the Lille Braderie next September!
  • The lost invitation
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directLe Présent (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Stéphane tells Inès about an upcoming party.
  • The origin of fire
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPronom d'objetPolitics, History & Economics

    Fire is one of the most important discoveries in human history.
  • The stork in Alsace
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about storks, Alsace's iconic birds.
  • The story of Hachis Parmentier
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Food & DrinkPolitics, History & Economics

    Find out how the French cottage pie came to be.
  • The Telethon
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom relatifCelebrations & Important Dates

    Maëlle will take part in the national charity event that is the Telethon.
  • The tradition of Hallowe'en
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom sujetPrépositionCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Catherine tells us about the tradition of Hallowe'en.
  • Toulouse, the Pink City
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn where the Southern French city got her colourful nickname from.
  • Two different Valentine's Day
    PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiFamily & Relationships

    For Yvan, this year's Valentine's Day will be quite different from last year.
  • Typing up an invitation
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -IRVerbes réguliers avec -ERTechnology & Science

    Aurélie tells us how she'll create her daughter's birthday invitation on her computer.
  • Useful studying
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Temps composéLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Aïssa thanks her private tutor Catherine for her help with her studies.
  • Valentine's Day at home
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    This year, Laurence's boyfriend organised a special "stay-at-home" Valentine's Day.
  • Visiting the aquarium
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Sébastien loved visiting La Rochelle's giant aquarium.
  • Waiting for baby...
    Pronom réfléchiAdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Grégory and his partner Lisa are getting ready for the baby.
  • Waiting for the train
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Noémie and her family had to wait a long time for their train.
  • Washing machine problems
    Forme négativeLe Conditionnel PrésentVerbe irrégulierLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Louise's washing machine is broken! What can she do?
  • What are your favourite TV series?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directFilm & TV

    Aline and Larissa are discussing their favourite French TV series.
  • What is a leap year?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom démonstratifTechnology & Science

    Yvan explains what a leap year is to his daughter Lila.
  • What's her number?
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Présent (Indicatif)Family & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Sabrina needs guests' numbers to organise Léa's bachelorette party.
  • When I'm a dad...
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Christophe knows what kind of dad he wants to be one day.
  • Where is the train station?
    Mode impératifPrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Lola needs to hurry to catch her train!
  • Which movie for Christmas?
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Film & TV

    Olivier and Carine discuss which movies they'd like to watch at Christmas time.
  • Why learn a foreign language?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PronomAdjectifLanguage & Education

    There are many benefits to learning a foreign language.
  • À l'agence de location de voitures Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objet directQuestion/InterrogativePrépositionSports & Leisure

    Get some info on how to rent a car in France, while practising your B1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • À la carte - Crêperie La Rozell à Rennes Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifPrépositionGenre fémininAccordPlurielFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover the appetising menu of Crêperie La Rozell in Rennes, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • À quoi ça sert de recycler ses déchets ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierAdverbePronom relatifTechnology & Science

    What's the point of recycling? Professor Gamberge explains all to a skeptical Charlotte in this animated video.
  • Ainsi Font, Font, Font (Comptines de France) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Concordance des TempsVerbes réguliers avec -ERVerbes réguliers avec -IRL'Impératif PrésentMusic

    Dance and sing along with this famous French nursery rhyme's little puppets while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Après le coronavirus Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Discover Marianne's post-lockdown plans, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Au supermarché Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionForme négativeVerbe irrégulierInfinitifFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy grocery shopping in a French supermarket, while practising your B1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Aux arbres citoyens - Yannick Noah Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierAdjectifPlurielMusic

    Celebrate the planet and sing for its protection with Yannick Noah's eco-militant song, while practising your French B1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Bonne fête des Mères ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierAdverbeLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Politics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Learn about Mother's Day in France while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Bonne fête des Pères ! Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifVerbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)ComparatifCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about Father's Day in France, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • C'est qui Coluche ? Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiFamous People

    Learn about French icon Coluche in this cute animated video.
  • C'est quoi le 14 juillet ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifArticleLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Politics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about France's National Holiday and its origins, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • C'est quoi les soldes ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdverbePrépositionGenre fémininEmploymentPolitics, History & EconomicsSports & Leisure

    Learn about the specific French sales, "les soldes", in this fun and instructive video, while practising your French listening and reading skills.
  • C'est quoi, la Carte Nationale d'Identité française ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifVerbe irrégulierGenre fémininImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the French National Identity Card and what it features, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Ce soir - Amir Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectGenre fémininMusicSports & Leisure

    Dance and sing along to Amir's irresistible party call "Ce soir", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comme d'habitude - Claude François Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjetivoPronom d'objet directFamous PeopleMusicFamily & Relationships

    Discover the lyrics of "Comme d'habitude", the original French version of Sinatra's "My Way", while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Comment est née la langue française ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierArticle définiArticlePolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Where did the French language come from? Get the short answer in this cute animated video for children.
  • Comment fabriquer une piñata d'Halloween Free Bilingual reader
    Mode impératifL'Impératif PrésentPrépositionAdjectif possessifAdjectif indéfiniCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Learn how to make a special piñata for Halloween, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment rafraîchir les villes et les maisons tout en restant écologique Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifReflexive verbsTechnology & Science

    Discover interesting ways to sustainably cool down buildings and cities in this video, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Comment rester en bonne santé Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Food & DrinkSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Get tips to stay healthy while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Connaissez-vous bien le fromage français ? Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativePrépositionPronom d'objet directFood & Drink

    Test your knowledge about French cheeses with this fun questionnaire, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Connaissez-vous bien le vin ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativePrépositionAdjectifArticleFood & Drink

    Test your knowledge about wine making in France with this fun questionnaire, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • D'où vient la tradition du marché de Noël ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdjectif indéfiniPlurielPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn a bit of the history behind France's traditional Christmas markets in this cute video.
  • D'où vient le nom des Schtroumpfs ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directAdjectifPronom d'objetFilm & TV

    Learn how the name of les Schtroumpfs (Smurfs) came to be, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Dame Tartine (Comptines de France) Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectif possessifAdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directMusic

    Sing along to this delicious French nursery rhyme while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Dernière Danse - Indila Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininVerbe irrégulierPrépositionAdjectifMusic

    Sing along to Indila's stirring ballad "Dernière Danse", while practising your French B1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Des milliers de je t'aime - Slimane Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Sing along to Slimane's ode to fatherly love "Des milliers de je t'aime", while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Des températures record pour le mois de mai en France et en Espagne (2022) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERTechnology & Science

    Listen to this news report about May 2022 heatwave in France and Spain, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Divali : la Fête des Lumières à Vancouver Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiAdjectifPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the joyful festival of Diwali, celebrated by Indians all over the world, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • DIY Pâques - Œuf avec message surprise à l'intérieur Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierForme négativePronom d'objet directCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Follow this tutorial to make a fun decorated egg with a surprise message inside, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Éclipse en Guadeloupe Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objet directArticle définiFilm & TVTechnology & Science

    While the Great American Total Eclipse was just a partial eclipse in Guadeloupe, it was still a sight to behold and required the same special glasses.
  • Édith Piaf (Portraits français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom d'objetAdjectif indéfiniFamous PeopleMusic

    Learn about the great French artist Édith Piaf, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Encore plus de faits intéressants sur le français Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionComparatifForme négativePolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    By popular demand, more interesting facts about French, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Festival de Cannes Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifFilm & TVCelebrations & Important Dates

    One of the most famous and prestigious film festivals in the world is held annually in Cannes. Learn a bit of its history and traditions in this French video with transcript and translation.
  • Festival des cerfs-volants Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ComparatifAdverbeVerbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Berck-sur-Mer is home to an annual kite-flying festival - and it's going on right now! Learn about this colorful event with this video while working on your French listening comprehension.
  • France Gall, la groupie du pianiste Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeFamous PeopleMusic

    France Gall passed away in January 2018. Learn about this French singer with a unique voice in our bilingual article.
  • French Elections Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierGenre fémininPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about French elections while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Game of Thrones (no spoilers) Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPrépositionFilm & TV

    For all you GoT fans out there (and anyone who'd just like to know what all the fuss is about), here's a video talking about all the records this fantasy TV show broke in its eight-year run.
  • Hajj Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Il est né le divin Enfant (Chant de Noël) Free Bilingual reader
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectAdjectif possessifAdjectif indéfiniInfinitifFilm & TVCelebrations & Important Dates

    Sing along to this very popular French Christmas carol, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Il y a un monstre sous mon lit ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectVerbe irrégulierL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Forme négativeFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy this lovely monster story, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Inventions françaises Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifArticleLe Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Politics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important DatesTechnology & Science

    Hundreds if not thousands of products you use every day started out as nothing more than an idea - and many of those ideas were originally French.
  • Jardin d'hiver, de Keren Ann Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPrépositionPronom d'objet directForme négativeMusic

    Practise your French listening and reading comprehension with this wintery song.
  • Je suis malade - Serge Lama Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectPronom disjonctifPrépositionMusicFamily & Relationships

    Feel the heartache with Serge Lama's harrowing song "Je suis malade", while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Joyeux Hanoucca ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionGenre fémininAdjectif indéfiniCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn more about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Kwiziq French Film Fest - C.R.A.Z.Y. Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeAdjectif possessifAdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFilm & TV

    Here's Aurelie's selection for the Kwiziq French Film Fest: French Canadian film "C.R.A.Z.Y."
  • Kwiziq French Film Fest - Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPronom d'objetPronom relatifArticle définiFilm & TV

    Here's Grzegab's review of this French comedy classic for the Kwiziq French Film Fest.
  • L'Amour, poème de Céline Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectAdjectif possessifForme négativeLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy this romantic poem by our very own Céline, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • L'Année Bissextile (Leap Year) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdverbeVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about Leap Day and Leap Year, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • L'anniversaire de Cyril Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Forme négativeAdverbeFamily & Relationships

    Practise listening and reading with this story about a surprise party.
  • L'Arnacœur - French Film Fest Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbePrépositionVoix passivePronom relatifFilm & TV

    The first Kwiziq French Film Fest review comes from none other than our CEO, Gareth "Gruff" Davies.
  • L'enseignement en ligne : Témoignage de Céline Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdverbeGenre fémininLanguage & EducationTechnology & Science

    Learn about some of the pros and cons of online teaching in this interview with Céline.
  • L'oral de français en Première Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifAdjectifAdverbePrépositionLanguage & Education

    At the end of "Première," the penultimate year of French high school, French students have to take a literary oral exam. Many of the tips offered in this video can be applied to other oral exams.
  • La chasse aux œufs Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directCelebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Join the hunt for Easter eggs, while practising your French B1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • La châtaigne, trésor d'automne Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierPronom réfléchiArticleFood & Drink

    Learn about a family business making chestnut cream, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La fête de la Saint-Patrick Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Saint Patrick's Day is the most important day of the year for Irish people all over the world. Learn about this 17 March celebration with this video.
  • La Francophonie dans le monde Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierArticleAdjectifLanguage & Education

    Learn some interesting facts about the Francophonie in this infographic, while practising your French B1 listening and reading skills.
  • La lettre d'amour d'un vampire Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directVerbes « semi-réguliers »Pronom d'objet indirectLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy this lovelorn vampire's love letter, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La Mère Michel (Comptines de France) Free Bilingual reader
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Music

    Sing along to the famous French nursery rhyme "La Mère Michel" while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • La pelote basque (Les sports régionaux de France) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectSports & Leisure

    Discover the Basque country's own ball game "Pelota Basqua", while you practise your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La rentrée des classes de Mathilde Free Bilingual reader
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierMode subjonctifLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Discover Mathilde's well-organised plan for the first day back-to-school, , while practising your French B1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • La Symphonie des Éclairs - Zaho de Sagazan Free Bilingual reader
    Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Music

    Sing along to Zaho de Sagazan's emotional song "La Symphonie des éclairs", while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • La tradition de la Galette des Rois Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifComparatifPronom relatifPronom réfléchiFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Have you ever eaten a Galette des Rois? This famous French cake, eaten only in January, contains a surprise!
  • La valeur inestimable de Notre-Dame de Paris Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionPronom d'objet directMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Notre-Dame de Paris, a jewel of French Gothic architecture, was partly destroyed by fire on 15 April 2019. Learn about some of the damage that was done in this video.
  • Le Bataclan, un théâtre hors du commun Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifVerbe irrégulierPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    On the 2nd anniversary of the monstrous attack which cost 90 people their lives on November 13th, 2015, and as the Bataclan theater opens its doors again, we wanted to pay tribute to this mythical place of Paris nightlife.
  • Le Dîner de cons - French Film Fest Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeAdjectifPronom réfléchiPronom d'objetFilm & TV

    Laura's review for the Kwiziq French Film Fest.
  • Le Farz Fourn (Spécialités de Bretagne) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdverbePrépositionPronom d'objet directFood & Drink

    Discover the Breton dessert known as Farz Fourn in our bilingual article. This is part of our Spécialités de Bretagne series.
  • Le Festival du cinéma américain de Deauville Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierNe explétifFilm & TVCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the American movie festival that takes place in Deauville, Normandy, each year.
  • Le FIFF (Festival International du Film Francophone) Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeAdjectifPronom d'objetFilm & TV

    Learn about this great French-language film festival from Namur, in Belgium.
  • Le français moderne Free Bilingual reader
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Learn about Modern French in this 5-part series of bilingual articles about the development of French over the centuries.
  • Le Kig ha Farz (Spécialités de Bretagne) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objet directFood & Drink

    Learn about the traditional Breton stew Kig ha Farz in our continuing Spécialités de Bretagne series
  • Le Kouign Amann (Spécialités de Bretagne) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifGenre fémininAdjectif possessifFood & Drink

    Learn about Bretagne's famous dessert Kouign Amann (butter cake) in this first installment of our Spécialités de Bretagne series.
  • Le Salon du chocolat Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionPronom relatifAdjectif indéfiniFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about Paris's annual chocolate festival while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le Salon International de l'Agriculture Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)AdverbePrépositionPlurielPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    The annual Salon International de l'Agriculture is the largest French agricultural event of the year.
  • Le TCF sur ordinateur Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directForme négativePronom réfléchiLanguage & Education

    Learn how to take the official French test known as TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français), while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le Tour de France Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifVerbes avec être comme auxiliaireCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Learn about this famous French bike race and incredible test of endurance, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le tournoi de Roland-Garros Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticlePrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdverbeSports & Leisure

    Learn more about Roland-Garros tournament (or French Open), the only Grand Slam tournament played on clay courts, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Les bonnes résolutions de fin d'année Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbePrépositionSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    New year, new opportunity to make exercise a habit. Here's what a French gym and some of its newest members have to say about it.
  • Les bouchons, plaie de la route des vacances Free Bilingual reader
    Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)AdverbePrépositionQuestion/InterrogativeLocution prépositiveMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    When you're driving, the worst part of vacation is getting there and back, and France sees more than its fair share of summer traffic jams.
  • Les cours d'anglais - Gad Elmaleh Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objet directFilm & TVLanguage & Education

    Enjoy Gad Elmaleh's stand-up comedy about learning English in this video.
  • Les Fêtes Johanniques de Reims Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionPronom relatifAdjectif indéfiniFamous PeopleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about Reims's historical celebration commemorating Charles VII's coronation, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Les Galettes de Blé Noir (Spécialités de Bretagne) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdjectif indéfiniAdverbeFood & Drink

    Learn about Bretagne's delicious "galette de blé noir" - savoury buckwheat crêpe - in this latest installment of our Spécialités de Bretagne series.
  • Les Lichouseries (Spécialités de Bretagne) Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifArticlePronom d'objet directFood & Drink

    Learn about some of Bretagne's famous "lichouseries" - i.e. sweets [US: candy] - in this next installment of our Spécialités de Bretagne series.
  • Les maillots du Tour de France Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifPrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    There are four official Tour de France jerseys - do you know what the colors mean?
  • Les mamans calmes Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom disjonctifPronom réfléchiMode impératifFamily & Relationships

    To celebrate Mother's Day in France, here's a sketch by the famous French stand-up comedian Florence Foresti, in which she explores the difficulties of motherhood, especially the irritating case of "perfect moms." Language warning: some mild vulgarity.
  • Les Médiévales d'Ouffet Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom relatifPronom disjonctifPronom réfléchiMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Every two years, the Belgian town of Ouffet hosts Les Médiévales, a weekend medieval festival.
  • Les nouvelles régions Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objetPronom relatifForme négativeMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn about France's new 2016 regions and their names, while practising your French B1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Les vacances à la mer de Lola Free Bilingual reader
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbePrépositionForme négativeArticleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Discover Lola's childhood seaside holiday [US: vacation], while practising your B1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Lupin - Interview d'Omar Sy (Séries françaises) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectVerbe irrégulierPronom relatifFamous PeopleFilm & TV

    Listen to the awesome French actor Omar Sy tell us how TV show "Lupin" came to be, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Marianne (Les Symboles de la République française) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeAdjectifArticlePolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the origins of Marianne, the iconic woman of the French Republic, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Marie Curie Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierArticleVerbos regulares -ir (presente)Famous PeoplePolitics, History & EconomicsTechnology & Science

    Listen to French kids talking about renowned scientist Marie Curie in this cute video, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Marie-José Pérec (Athlètes Olympiques Français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdjectif possessifArticleFamous PeopleSports & Leisure

    (Re)discover the great French sprinter Marie-José Pérec in a short video, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Menton's Lemon Festival Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdverbeComparatifPrépositionFood & Drink

    The lovely French town of Menton is famous for its annual lemon festival. Take a behind-the-scenes look with this video.
  • Milo - Les œufs en chocolat Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom adverbialComparatifCelebrations & Important Dates

    Watch this fun video about an exciting Easter egg hunt, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Mon français est fantastique avec Kwiziq ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLanguage & Education

    Rebecca tells us why she loves Kwiziq as her new French learning tool in this Bilingual article.
  • Monsieur Grognon Free Bilingual reader
    Forme négativeLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet indirectLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Put your French negation skills to work with this bilingual article - click any phrase to see the English translation as well as links to related French grammar lessons.
  • Naissance de la langue française Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif possessifPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about the birth of French in this 5-part series of bilingual articles about the development of French over the centuries.
  • Noël en France - Christmas in France Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionArticle définiPronom relatifCelebrations & Important Dates

    How is Christmas celebrated in France? How are Christmas Eve and Christmas Day different in France than in the US or UK?
  • Omar Sy - Interview Cinéma Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectifQuestion/InterrogativePronom d'objet directFamous PeopleFilm & TV

    French actor Omar Sy is known for a number of international hits, including Les Intouchables, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Jurassic World. In this interview, he talks (quickly!) about some of his favorite movies.
  • Parle-t-on français ailleurs dans le monde ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticleVerbe irrégulierArticle définiAdjectifLanguage & Education

    Is French spoken anywhere outside of France? Find out in this cute animated video for children.
  • Partir étudier à l'étranger - les qualités à avoir Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeForme négativePronom relatifLanguage & Education

    Listen to these French students talking about their experience of studying abroad, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Perdus en route ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativePrépositionVerbe irrégulierReflexive verbsMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    See how Marie and Pierre find their way back, while practising your B1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Petit Papa Noël - Tino Rossi Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objet directCelebrations & Important DatesMusic

    Sing along to the timeless French Christmas classic "Petit Papa Noël", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Plus tard - Bigflo & Oli Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdverbeVerbes avec -DREMusic

    Did you ever have one of those funny superstitions when you were little? Reminisce with this melancholy song about childhood (and adulthood) by French hip-hop duo Bigflo & Oli composed of two brothers from Toulouse, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Pollution à Paris Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierArticle définiLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Technology & Science

    Air pollution is a problem all over the world, and the capital of France is no exception. Fortunately, the mayor of Paris is taking steps to reduce it.
  • Pourquoi les Français sont-ils si fiers de leur cuisine ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifVerbe irrégulierComparatifFood & DrinkPolitics, History & Economics

    Why are the French so proud of their cuisine? Find out in this cute animated video.
  • Pourquoi on fait des poissons d'avril ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifArticleVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover the story behind the French tradition of "April's fish" in this short video, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Pourra-t-on voir des feux d'artifice le 14 juillet 2020 ? Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativePronom relatifCelebrations & Important Dates

    Will there be any fireworks to commemorate Bastille Day 2020? Find out what's happening in this video.
  • Prénoms français Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif possessifReflexive verbsLanguage & Education

    French parents are not completely free to choose their child's first name - learn about some surprising restrictions in this bilingual audio article.
  • Préparatifs de Noël Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifPrépositionAdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Get ready for Christmas with this short bilingual article.
  • Présentation de l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPlurielVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesLanguage & Education

    Learn about the organisation behind the International Day of Francophonie in this inspiring video.
  • Public holidays in France Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentVerbes avec -OIRVerbe irrégulierAdverbeCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about France's 11 public holidays, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Qu'est-ce que l'Avent ? What is Advent? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionInfinitifLe Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about Advent and Advent calendars while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Quand je serai grand Free Bilingual reader
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)AdjectifArticleVerbe irrégulierPrépositionEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Watch this cute video of kids singing about what they'll do when they grow up, then see the lyrics in our bilingual reader
  • Quelques faits intéressants sur le français Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifArticle définiPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Take a break from learning French to learn some interesting facts about the French language, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Qui sont-ils ? Les Frères Bogdanoff Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdjectif indéfiniAdjectifFamous PeopleFilm & TVPolitics, History & EconomicsTechnology & Science

    Learn about France's most famous twins, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Recette - Le Gratin Bœuf, Potiron et Parmesan Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifPrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierFood & Drink

    Learn how to make a delicious beef, pumpkin, and parmesan gratin in this video and bilingual article.
  • Rentrée scolaire - limiter les dépenses Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifVerbe irrégulierPronom disjonctifFamily & Relationships

    The start of a new school year typically involves shopping for new supplies. This video shares some tips to keep these expenses as low as possible.
  • Rentrée scolaire : la dictature de la mode Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierPronom démonstratifArt & DesignPolitics, History & Economics

    Video about the evolution of school smock and the latest back-to-school fashions in France.
  • Romance au marché Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes avec être comme auxiliaireL'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Language & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Here's a cute story about love at first sight, packed with delicious French idioms.
  • Rosh Hashana Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionPronom d'objet directPronom disjonctifCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn some traditions related to Rosh Hashana, a two-day celebration for the Jewish New Year.
  • Sacré Charlemagne ! - France Gall Free Bilingual reader
    Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifForme négativePrépositionMusic

    Feel like a child again with France Gall's irreverent song about school, "Sacré Charlemagne", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Septembre chez mes grands-parents Free Bilingual reader
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom disjonctifPrépositionPronom d'objet directPronom réfléchiSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Reminisce about visiting grandparents in the fall in this audio article.
  • Songkran - Thai New Year Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objetGenre fémininVerbes « semi-réguliers »Monuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Did you know that Thailand celebrates New Year's in mid-April? Learn about the unique festival of Songkran in this bilingual article.
  • Sous les Sunlights des Tropiques - Gilbert Montagné Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeVerbe irrégulierAdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERMusic

    Enjoy the sunny vibes of Gilbert Montagné's absolute classic of French summers since 1984, and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Tournent les violons - Jean-Jacques Goldman Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifPrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objetMusic

    Enjoy this 1991 tale of hope and disillusion by French singer-songwriter star Jean-Jacques Goldman, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Tous les garçons et les filles - Françoise Hardy Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierForme négativePronom relatifMusic

    Enjoy the teenage melancholy of Françoise Hardy's classic song "Tous les garçons et les filles", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Tout pour la musique - France Gall Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionArticleAdjectifMusic

    Celebrate music with this 1981 swinging classic by France Gall, and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Un cœur en hiver - French Film Fest Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdjectif indéfiniPronom relatifArticle définiFilm & TV

    Rowen's Kwiziq French Film Fest review.
  • Un Conte de Noël Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdjectif possessifGenre fémininLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Here's the first pages of Charles Dickens's classic "A Christmas Carol", adapted and translated at B1-Level to practise your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Une journée dans ma vie d'au pair Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionForme négativePronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Spend a day as a French au pair, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Y'a D'la Joie - Charles Trenet Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierForme négativeIrregularAdjectifMusic

    Enjoy French icon Charles Trenet's anthem to happiness and levity, and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • B2: Upper Intermediate French listening exercises

  • "Arab blues"
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifFamous PeopleFilm & TV

    Discover this French-speaking comedy and its French-Tunisian director Manele Labidi.
  • 1 PM radio news
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFilm & TVPolitics, History & Economics

    Headlines of the 1 PM news - based on France Inter's 13h of the 24/08/21.
  • 25th December with family
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    In Elsa's family, December 25 is a lazy post-Christmas day.
  • A book lover
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierGenre fémininLiterature, Poetry, TheatreSports & Leisure

    My nephew Damien has always been a real bookworm!
  • A boy full of energy!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Catherine explains how her lovely boy is also exhausting!
  • A Bridezilla's invitation
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifAdjectif possessifFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy this entitled Bridezilla's wedding requirements!
  • A crazy night out
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Sophie had a crazy night out.
  • A farm cat
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Lola is looking for her female cat Cannelle who's hiding on the family farm.
  • A good explanation... Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Florence knows that there must be an explanation as to why she hasn't heard from her date again yet.
  • A Halloween outing
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Listen to this ad for a great Halloween outing.
  • A healthy diet
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Participe passéPronom d'objet directFood & Drink

    Élodie decided to change her diet to feel better.
  • A long-awaited promotion
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Employment

    Céline finally got promoted!
  • A love story
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Reflexive verbsLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Practise French expressions about love with this sweet love story.
  • A mischievous brother
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Arthur loves scaring his big sister on Hallowe'en.
  • A mother's voice mail
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Jonathan's mother left him a voice mail.
  • A new passport
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLe Présent (Indicatif)Language & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Grégory needs to renew his passport to go on holiday [US: vacation].
  • A night at the A&E [US: ER]
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Isabelle had to visit the A&E [US: ER] for a medical emergency.
  • A relaxing lovers' break
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Romain and his partner Sophie took a short break away from the kids.
  • A Savoyard meal
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom relatifFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    What Hélène likes the most on a ski holiday is the mountain restaurant!
  • A seasonal menu
    PrépositionLe Subjonctif PrésentLe Conditionnel PrésentEmploymentFood & Drink

    Daniella and her sous-chef Paul are tweaking their restaurant menu.
  • A stark difference
    Pronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Paula talks about the changes in Catherine's personality after her career change.
  • A teacher's back to school
    AdverbeLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -EREmploymentLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Teacher Alicia tells us how she prepares for going back to school.
  • A trip to Corsica
    Pronom d'objet indirectLe Conditionnel PrésentVerbe irrégulierMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Emmanuelle needs ideas for her upcoming visit to Corsica with her family.
  • A very proud mother
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPlurielSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Viviane loves her son's hand-made presents!
  • A winter evening with friends
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Food & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Jean-François and Sophie are getting ready for a fondue night.
  • A witch's recipe
    Mode impératifPrépositionL'Impératif PrésentFood & Drink

    Enjoy this deliciously disgusting Hallowe'en recipe!
  • Aïssa Maïga
    Adjectif possessifAdjectifGenre fémininFamous PeopleFilm & TV

    Miriam tells us why she loves French actress and director Aïssa Maïga.
  • Amélie Poulain's Paris Free
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifPrépositionFilm & TV

    Léa went for a walk through the key spots made iconic by the cult movie "Amelie" (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain).
  • An afternoon of meetings
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionIdioms about TimeEmployment

    Amandine announces the schedule for this afternoon's meetings.
  • An exceptional Valentine's Day
    Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    A few years back, Baptiste organised an incredible outing for his Valentine Mathilde.
  • An interfering mother-in-law
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Find out why Gilles is not happy with his mother-in-law.
  • April Fool's Day in France.
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important Dates

    Charlène explains how we celebrate April Fool's Day in France.
  • Around the King Cake
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFood & Drink

    Geoffrey and Laura enjoy the French Epiphany tradition.
  • At the arts and crafts fair
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Subjonctif PrésentSports & Leisure

    Olivia and Laure enjoy a visit to the arts and crafts fair.
  • At the beachfront restaurant Free
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom démonstratifVerbe irrégulierFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Cyril and Eve try the restaurant near the hotel by the beach and decide what to eat from the menu.
  • At the butcher's
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectÉlisionFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Mrs Pervenche needs a nice joint of beef for her guests.
  • At the florist's shop
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Présent (Indicatif)EmploymentSports & Leisure

    Madame Vidal is visiting her florist to order a very special gift.
  • At the handmade pottery shop
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom réfléchiArt & DesignEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Pamela chats with the manager of a lovely local pottery shop.
  • At the real estate's agency
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Adrien is looking to rent an apartment in Angers.
  • At the university library
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif possessifLanguage & EducationLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Viviane is visiting the university library for the first time and she needs some help.
  • Baby gift ideas
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directPronom relatifSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Daniel asks Aïssa for advice to find a baby gift.
  • Becoming dads
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    George talks about his and his partner's experience when they became dads.
  • Bessières' giant omelette
    PrépositionPronom réfléchiPronom relatifFood & Drink

    Learn about the French town of Bessières's unique Easter tradition.
  • Buying my first apartment
    Le Subjonctif PrésentLe Conditionnel PrésentMode subjonctifFamily & Relationships

    Fabienne is thinking about getting her first mortgage.
  • Calling a private tutor
    Verbe irrégulierPronom réfléchiQuestion/InterrogativeLanguage & Education

    Joséphine is calling her private tutor to resume their English lessons.
  • Car problems
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Language & EducationFamily & Relationships

    David had a horrible time with his car yesterday!
  • Caribbean cod fish cakes recipe
    Mode impératifL'Impératif PrésentPrépositionFood & Drink

    Enjoy this delicious recipe for Caribbean cod fish cakes!
  • Carpe Diem
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Julien is making the biggest leap of his life by moving to his dream country!
  • Chanel's fashion show
    AdjectifPrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Art & Design

    Enjoy this retrospective of Chanel's 2024 spring-summer fashion show.
  • Choosing a different bank
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifArticle définiLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    More "responsible" banking options for a different future.
  • Christmas in Australia
    PrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Thibault will spend Christmas in Australia for the first time next year.
  • Christmas shopping, what a pain!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Olivia had to go Christmas shopping at the last minute this year!
  • DÉCO, the show
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFilm & TV

    Presenter Valérie tells us what changes the team is going to make to today's house.
  • Description of Dr Arsène K. Merlan
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom relatifFamily & Relationships

    Milo is surprised by this doctor's rather odd appearance...
  • Disappointing Sales
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Justine was very disappointed by this year's winter sale.
  • Do you know about eco-anxiety?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininPronom réfléchiTechnology & Science

    Leila tells her friend Alex about her feelings on the climate crisis.
  • Doctors Without Borders
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifEmploymentTechnology & Science

    Listen to Adrien's experience working for MSF.
  • Dressed to the nines
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdverbeSports & Leisure

    Yesterday, Lucie was all dressed up for a special occasion.
  • Easter bells
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiCelebrations & Important Dates

    Barbara tells us where the tradition of "Easter bells" come from.
  • Emergency consultation
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectVerbe irrégulierLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    François is calling his doctor's practice for an emergency consultation.
  • Emile Zola's works
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom réfléchiFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn more about famous French writer Emile Zola.
  • Etymology of the French word "canicule"
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbePronom réfléchiLanguage & EducationTechnology & Science

    Learn about the surprising etymology of the French word "canicule" (heatwave).
  • Fifty shades of laughter
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbeLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)EmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Learn French expressions about laughter with this office's fit of laughter!
  • Fishing for cockles
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Amélie and her brother Bruno love fishing for cockles on Normandy beaches.
  • Flowers for All Saints' Day
    Pronom d'objet indirectAdjectif possessifPrépositionEmploymentCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Listen to an ad on where to find flowers for All Saints' Day in France.
  • For or against zoos: an opinion
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifVerbe irrégulierLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Juliette gives us her balanced opinion on zoos.
  • France's geography
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Article définiPronom relatifLanguage & Education

    Learn about France's geographical diversity.
  • Francophonie's celebrations
    AdjectifPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectCelebrations & Important DatesLanguage & Education

    Louise presents her city's programme of celebrations for Francophonie's 50th anniversary in 2020.
  • French band Louise Attaque
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifMusic

    Learn more about the French band Louise Attaque.
  • Green thumbs
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifLe Subjonctif PrésentSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Gabrielle believes that everyone can develop green thumbs.
  • Guérande's salt marshes
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Henri really enjoyed his family trip to the salt marshes in Guérande, in northwestern France.
  • Her first pet
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre féminin

    Sonia's daughter Chloé is getting her first pet for her birthday.
  • Hiring a new employee
    Pronom d'objetLe Subjonctif PrésentLe Présent (Indicatif)Employment

    Pierre is looking for a new recruit for his company.
  • Holiday [US:Vacation] recommendations
    Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)AdverbeFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Marie is on holiday [US:vacation] in France with her husband and asks the receptionist for suggestions.
  • How long have you been speaking French?
    Adjectif possessifGenre fémininMode subjonctifLanguage & Education

    Angélique asks Anna how long she's been speaking French.
  • If I were Fantômette!
    Le Conditionnel PasséAdjectif possessifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Literature, Poetry, TheatreSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Stéphanie has always dreamt of being the famous Fantômette!
  • In my mother's kitchen
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifLe Subjonctif PrésentFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Laëtitia reminisces about cooking with her mother.
  • In need of changes
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectAdjectif possessifEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Gustave's doctor tries to help him shake up his current routine.
  • Inclusive writing
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom réfléchiLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    What do we call "inclusive writing", and how to use it?
  • It's never too late...
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLanguage & Education

    Betty's life-long French dream is finally about to come true.
  • Jules Verne and Nantes
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamous PeopleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about famous French author Jules Verne and his hometown Nantes.
  • Laure Manaudou
    PrépositionPronom relatifLe Présent (Indicatif)Famous PeopleSports & Leisure

    Learn about the exceptional career of one of the best French swimmers of all time.
  • Le commerce équitable : un enjeu de société
    AdjectifAdverbeLe Présent (Indicatif)Politics, History & Economics

    Marina discusses the necessity to have a public discussion on fair trade.
  • Learning styles
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionLanguage & Education

    Learn about the different learning styles.
  • Leave a voice mail!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdjectifLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Listen to Anne-Sophie and Guy Degrenne's voice mail.
  • Lille's "Aux Merveilleux de Fred"
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERFood & Drink

    Christelle tells her guest all about Lille's amazing delicacy, Le Merveilleux.
  • Long-time friends
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Grandmothers Sophie and Chloé reminisce about their incredible friendship.
  • Louis XIV and the artists
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPronom relatifFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about Louis XIV's passion for the arts, which didn't come without an ambition to control his own image.
  • Lousy weather!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Technology & Science

    On that day, a storm was coming...
  • Luxembourg's languages
    Article définiArticleLe Présent (Indicatif)Language & Education

    Learn about the three main languages spoken in Luxembourg.
  • Montmartre's grape harvest festival
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifAdjectifFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn more about this special autumn festival in the middle of Paris!
  • Montpellier's Place de la Comédie
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifPronom d'objet indirectMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover Montpellier's main square.
  • Moving out day
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Geoffrey and Laura were moving out today.
  • Music between generations
    Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectMusicFamily & Relationships

    Amélie got closer to her niece through her musical tastes.
  • My awesome Hallowe'en decorations
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeParticipe passéLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Aurélie has really outdone herself for this year's Halloween!
  • My dream kitchen
    Verbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)AdjectifLanguage & Education

    Laura tells us about her great new custom kitchen.
  • My favourite toy
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)AdverbeSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Marielle remembers her most memorable Christmas present.
  • My first of May
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionPronomCelebrations & Important Dates

    Jonathan has great plans for a busy first of May this year.
  • My grandparents' golden wedding anniversary
    Pronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiFamily & Relationships

    Catherine was really moved by her grandparents' golden anniversary party.
  • My green habits
    Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectTechnology & Science

    Aurélie talks about her green habits to protect the planet.
  • My Harry Potter passion
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifFilm & TVSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Alicia is a massive Harry Potter fan.
  • My neighbour during the pandemic
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom réfléchiFamily & Relationships

    During the pandemic, Samuel got closer to his shielding neighbour Roger.
  • My resolutions for the planet
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERGenre masculinTechnology & Science

    This year, Julie has decided she'll be more ecological!
  • My wedding vows
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectMode subjonctifCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Listen to Xavier's moving wedding vows.
  • Nigloland
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Sabrina was enchanted by her discovery of this French theme park.
  • On the TGV
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbePrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Olivier and Sophie are on the train to their holiday [US: vacation] destination.
  • On the way to the concert
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifPrépositionMusicSports & Leisure

    Grégory, Ben and Lucie are (more or less!) on their way to a concert.
  • Organising a country-style buffet
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Food & DrinkSports & Leisure

    Sabrina organises a nice country-style buffet in her garden.
  • Organising a move 
    Le Subjonctif PrésentVerbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Mathieu and Sylvie discuss what needs to be done for their move.
  • Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion's volcano
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiLe Présent (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & VacationsTechnology & Science

    Learn about this marvel of nature, and La Réunion's true star!
  • Playground games
    PrépositionPronom d'objet directMode impératifLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Léo and Chloé are playing marbles in the school playground.
  • Portrait of a suspect
    PrépositionVerbe irrégulierL'Imparfait (Indicatif)EmploymentFamily & Relationships

    A policewoman describes a burglary suspect to the public.
  • Preparing for mushroom-picking
    Adjectif possessifPronom relatifLe Subjonctif Présent

    Pauline goes mushroom-picking every year, and she has all the right tools!
  • Réveillon chez Mamie
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Première personneAdjectif possessifFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Sabine will enjoy Christmas Eve Dinner at her grandmother's house this year.
  • Rose and Jack's story
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Film & TVFamily & Relationships

    One of the most beautifully tragic love stories of modern times.
  • Specialties from Orléans
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPrépositionFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Marina got to try some typical specialties from the French city of Orléans.
  • Spring cleaning
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)PlurielVerbes réguliers avec -IRFamily & Relationships

    Tomorrow, Sophie and her friends will do a big spring cleaning!
  • Starting secondary school
    Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Language & Education

    Christine's grandson is starting secondary school, and there's a lot to think about.
  • The Atalaye plateau in Biarritz
    PrépositionAdjectifMode impératifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Listen to this radio ad about visiting Biarritz's Atalaye plateau with a tourist guide.
  • The Baccalaureate Exam
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom relatifLanguage & Education

    Aurélie tells us what this French exam is about.
  • The Beast of Gévaudan
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeParticipe passéMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Sarah et Laure are talking about the legend of the Beast of Gévaudan!
  • The birth of Marseille
    PrépositionGenre fémininPronom réfléchiMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about the birth of the oldest French city.
  • The choice of motherhood
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Conditionnel PrésentInfinitifFamily & Relationships

    Éric and Arielle discuss the choice to become a mother or not.
  • The Christmas spirit
    PlurielAdverbeAdjectif possessifCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Sophie is getting into the Christmas spirit!
  • The Conservatoire de Paris
    Genre fémininPlurielAdjectifPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & EducationMusic

    Learn about this famous music institution in the French capital.
  • The ferry, how awful!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Emeline is remembering the worst journey she's had to endure while travelling on a ferry from France to the United Kingdom.
  • The Fifth Republic
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPronom d'objetPolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn more about the current French political regime.
  • The Great Odyssey
    Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directSports & Leisure

    Magalie dreams of winning this prestigious French dog sled race.
  • The old fool's palace
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionGenre fémininMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    The "Ideal Palace" is as fascinating a piece of architecture as it is a wonderful story.
  • The Phantom of the Opera (excerpt)
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiLe Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Literature, Poetry, Theatre

    At the Opera, dancers are spreading rumors of a monster.
  • The Phrygian hat
    AdjectifGenre fémininPremière personneImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the emblematic Phrygian hat.
  • The sales
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Juliette shopped the sales with her friends.
  • The school's carnival
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifVerbe irrégulierSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Sabrina has decided to help with her daughter's school's costumes, and it's a lot of work!
  • The science behind the terracotta pitcher
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Technology & Science

    Barbara explains the science behind the terracotta pitcher.
  • The three-coloured flag
    AdjectifPronom réfléchiPrépositionPolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Why is the French flag blue, white and red?
  • The young citizen
    AdverbeLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Hugo is so proud of his daughter and her green initiatives.
  • Violets from Toulouse
    AdjectifPrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Food & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn about the delicious specialty from Toulouse called "la violette cristallisée".
  • Visiting Mont Saint-Michel
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Hélène is delighted with her recent visit to Mont Saint-Michel with her friend Marie.
  • Visiting Vire
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom relatifFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Jacqueline's sister visited the French city of Vire, in Normandy.
  • Watching football [US:soccer] on television
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Sports & Leisure

    Carole and Sabine are watching a football [US:soccer] game together.
  • Weekend chores
    Forme négativeLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Liliane went through a good Spring Clean of her apartment this weekend!
  • Weekly check-up at the farm
    Genre masculinLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Genre fémininEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Veterinarian Claire will do her weekly check-up routine at the Durands' farm next Thursday.
  • What is cricket?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPronom d'objet directSports & Leisure

    Priya explains the rules of cricket to her friend.
  • What to do for Halloween?
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Présent (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Samuel and Eva discuss what they'd like to do for Halloween.
  • What to do on a snow holiday [US: vacation]?
    PrépositionPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Joséphine is looking for activities to do with her young children on their upcoming holiday in the French Alps.
  • What was Mum [US:Mom] like as a girl?
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifGenre fémininFamily & Relationships

    Liana asks her gran what her mum was like as a child.
  • Where to exchange currencies in France
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Carla explains to Jane why it might be wiser to exchange dollars ahead of her trip to France.
  • Which destination for New Year's Eve?
    AdjectifPrépositionPronom d'objet indirectMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Flora offers some original destinations to celebrate New Year's Eve in style.
  • Who to vote for at the second round?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionForme négativePolitics, History & Economics

    Listen to three different voting intentions for the second round of the 2022 French presidential elections.
  • Why I don't take the plane any more
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierTechnology & Science

    Olivia explains her decision not to take the plane any more.
  • 20 Mars : Journée de la Francophonie Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifPronom relatifAdjectif possessifGenre fémininPrépositionCelebrations & Important DatesLanguage & Education

    Celebrate Francophonie by learning about a few less known French-speaking countries, while practising your reading and listening comprehension in French.
  • 3 Villes Francophones où fêter le Nouvel An Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionGenre fémininComparatifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about New Year's Eve celebrations in Paris, Quebec City and Marrakech, while practising your B2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • 5 Artistes Noirs Francophones à (Re)découvrir Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom relatifArt & DesignFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, TheatreMusic

    (Re)discover 5 amazing Francophone Black artists, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • 6 juin 1944 : voyage à travers le temps Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionAdjectifPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Witness the commemoration of the Allied landing in Normandy, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • 8 mai 1945 : la capitulation de l'Allemagne à Reims Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeReflexive verbsPronom relatifPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about Germany surrendered to Allied forces on the 8th of May 1945, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • À la carte - Brasserie Le Molière à Paris Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifGenre fémininArticle contractéNomFood & Drink

    Discover the mouthwatering menu of Le Molière, a typical French brasserie, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • À la carte - Restaurant gastronomique Le Quatrième Mur à Bordeaux Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifLocution prépositiveGenre fémininAccordFood & Drink

    Discover the elegant menu of Le Quatrième Mur, French chef Philippe Etchebest's Michelin-starred restaurant in Bordeaux, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • À la carte - Restaurant La Daurade à Marseille Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifAdverbeGenre fémininGenreFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover the appetising menu of a seaside Mediterranean restaurant, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • À quoi ça sert, un président de la République? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionArticleVerbe irrégulierPronom réfléchiPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about the role of the French president in this fun video, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Allô les urgences vétérinaires ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Cat stuck in a tree? Call the emergency vet service.
  • Alpine French School Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Language & EducationSports & Leisure

    Learn about the Alpine French School where you can ski and learn French at the same time, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Assomption Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectifPronom relatifArticlePolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    August 15 is the Catholic holiday of Assomption (Assumption Day) and is férié (a public holiday) in France.
  • Au Clair de la Lune (Comptines de France) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierForme négativeLe Passé Simple (Indicatif)Music

    Sing yourselves to sleep with this classic French lullaby while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Au Restaurant de la Plage Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Enjoy lunch at a beachside restaurant, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Au secours ! Je n'ai plus internet ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directQuestion/InterrogativePronom d'objet indirectTechnology & Science

    Need help dealing with customer support when your internet goes out? Check out this audio article for some useful phrases.
  • Basique - OrelSan Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdverbeComparatifGenre fémininFamous PeoplePolitics, History & EconomicsMusic

    Practise your French rapping skills with OrelSan's "Basique".
  • Bastille Day Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifVerbe irrégulierAdjectif indéfiniPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Happy Bastille Day! Learn about the French national holiday in our bilingual audio article.
  • Beaujolais nouveau : ne l'appelez plus piquette ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierPrépositionAdverbeFood & Drink

    It's that time of year again, when wine lovers gather to taste the young wine known as Beaujolais Nouveau. But is it really as good - or bad? - as they say?
  • Bretagne news - sketch by Les Inconnus Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierPrépositionArticle définiFilm & TVLanguage & Education

    Get an (exaggerated) idea about French as it's spoken in Bretagne in this humorous sketch by Les Inconnus (a famous French trio of humorists from the 90's).
  • Bricolage "Avion" pour la Fête des Pères Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectPrépositionArt & DesignCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn how to make a cute Father's Day present in this fun tutorial, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Bruxelles je t'aime - Angèle Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeVerbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamous PeopleMusicFamily & Relationships

    Celebrate the Belgian capital with Angèle's upbeat love song to Brussels, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Bûche de Noël : recette Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectReflexive verbsFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Find out how to make the most classic of French Christmas desserts: la bûche de Noël.
  • C'est quoi la "Fête des mères" ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important Dates

    Find answers to your questions about French Mother's Day in this fun video, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Charles Aznavour s'éteint à 94 ans Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifFamous PeopleMusic

    Famed French-Armenian singer passed away in October 2018. Watch this video highlighting aspects of his talented career, then scroll down for the transcript in our bilingual reader.
  • Charles Perrault (Portraits français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about timeless French raconteur Charles Perrault, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Claude Monet's "Water Lilies" Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeAdjectifPronom relatifArt & DesignFamous People

    Learn about the story behind the unique way Claude Monet's Water Lilies are displayed, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Colette (Portraits français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about passionate French writer Colette, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Comme Avant (ConfinementSong) Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom disjonctifAdjectifFamily & Relationships

    Sing along to GiedRé's bittersweet song about life before lockdown, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment demander la nationalité française (1ere partie) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdjectifPronom d'objet directImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn how to apply for French citizenship with the first half of this informative article, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment demander la nationalité française (2e partie) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Immigration & Citizenship

    Learn how to apply for French citizenship with the first half of this informative article, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment préparer son bagage en cabine Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierPrépositionPronom disjonctifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Get some useful packing tips with Catherine Schwaab, while practising your French B2 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Conseils pratiques pour profiter des marchés de Noël Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdverbePronom relatifCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Get some practical advice to help you make the most of Christmas markets, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Coupe du Monde 1998 Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)IrregularCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Twenty years ago, France beat Brazil to become world champions of European football (aka soccer). In this video, trainer Aimé Jacquet shares his first thoughts.
  • Dans les coulisses du Moulin Rouge Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifForme négativeArticlePrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsMusic

    The Moulin Rouge is a world-famous revue in Paris. Take a look behind the scenes and sequins with this video report.
  • Décès de l'ancien président Jacques Chirac, l'animal politique Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifPrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Famous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Former French president and mayor of Paris Jacques Chirac passed away on 26 September 2019. Learn about the legacy of this political animal in this video from France24.
  • Découvrez les candidats français à l'Eurovision 2022 ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPrépositionAdjectifAdverbeMusic

    Discover France's 2022 Eurovision contestants and their song, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Demande d'emploi Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPrépositionArticleEmploymentLanguage & Education

    This audio article about a job letter was specially written to help you prepare for the listening and reading portions of the AP French exam.
  • Départ en Vacances 1 - Sur la route des vacances Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectifQuestion/InterrogativeMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Dreading going on holiday [US: vacation] with small children? Fortunately, Céline is here with some fun tips to prepare for your car trip!
  • Départ en Vacances 2 - Sur place Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionVerbes réguliers avec -ERLe Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeLe Subjonctif PrésentMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Dreading going on holiday [US: vacation] with small children? Fortunately, Céline is here with some fun tips to pick your holiday [US:vacation] rental!
  • Des initiatives pour parents et enfants pendant le confinement Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Discover some initiatives in Belgium to teach and entertain children during lockdown, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Des vacances mémorables Free Bilingual reader
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Forme négativeLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentPronom d'objetMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Laurence and Arnaud go on a dream vacation to celebrate 5 years together in this audio article.
  • Devant un match de foot Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet indirectSports & Leisure

    Join two friends to watch a football [US:soccer] game on TV, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Dialectes et langues régionales Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Forme négativeAdjectifPronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Politics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Learn about France's regional dialects in this 5-part series of bilingual articles about the development of French over the centuries.
  • Dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale : c'est quoi la suite ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdverbeLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom d'objetPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about the democratic process of dissolution of the French National Assembly in this short video, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Dix pour cent : la bonne recette (1ere partie) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdverbeAdjectifFilm & TV

    Discover "Dix pour cent", a humorous French TV series about the trials and tribulations of movie star agents.
  • Dix pour cent : la bonne recette (2e partie) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom disjonctifVerbe irrégulierFilm & TV

    Part 2 of the video about "Dix pour cent", a humorous French TV series about the trials and tribulations of movie star agents.
  • Engrenages (Séries françaises) - Interview "flashback" de Thierry Godart et Caroline Proust Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbeFilm & TV

    Enjoy a lively interview with actors Thierry Godart and Caroline Proust from the successful TV show "Engrenages" (Spiral), while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Et tout le monde s'en fout : L'eau Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionForme négativeAdjetivoAdjectif possessifTechnology & Science

    Funny video (with some vulgar language) about a serious subject: water.
  • Fête de la Musique Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif indéfiniComparatifPronom indéfiniPronom relatifPolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & CitizenshipMusic

    La Fête de la Musique is an annual celebration in France and around the world. Learn a bit of its history in our bilingual audio article, then listen to a few French variety classics.
  • Fête de la musique : interview de Jack Lang Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbePrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesMusic

    Discover how 1981 Ministre de la Culture Jack Lang explain came up with "la Fête de la Musique", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Fête des Lumières à Lyon Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdverbeMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Lyon's Festival of Light is a must-see event where the walls of buildings become movie screens. Here's a taste of what's in store in 2017, including the newest security measures.
  • Films français - La sélection de Céline Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom d'objet directAdverbeFilm & TV

    Here's a selection of 3 great French movies to (re)discover and enjoy!
  • Films français (2) - La sélection de Cécile Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directGenre fémininPronom relatifFilm & TV

    Here's another selection of 3 great French movies to (re)discover and enjoy!
  • Hallowe'en in France Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Forme négativeArticleCelebrations & Important Dates

    At a nursery school in Biarritz, kids get ready for Halloween with stuffed pumpkins and favorite costumes.
  • Héritage de Johnny Hallyday Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Despite being French, Johnny Hallyday wrote his will in the United States, which allowed him to disinherit his children. Find out how they're challenging the will and whether they have a case in this video.
  • Histoire d'animaux Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLanguage & Education

    Learn or practise some French expressions with animals in this cute bilingual story.
  • Histoire de l'indépendance d'Haïti Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directMode impératifPolitics, History & Economics

    Haiti was the first French colony to gain independence, in large part thanks to one man.
  • Histoires d'argent Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPronom d'objetPronom réfléchiPrépositionLanguage & Education

    A bilingual text about different relationships to money, rich in French idioms.
  • Immigrer au Canada Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifImmigration & Citizenship

    If you dream of immigrating [UK: emigrating] to Canada, this official video has the vital information you need.
  • Jean de La Fontaine (Portraits français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifArticlePronom d'objet directFamous PeoplePolitics, History & EconomicsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about French poet Jean de La Fontaine, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Johnny Hallyday : 1943-2017 Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierPrépositionAdverbeFamous PeopleMusic

    Watch this hommage to Johnny Hallyday, a French rock and roll legend who died in December 2017.
  • Joséphine Baker au Panthéon Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif possessifFamous PeoplePolitics, History & EconomicsMusic

    Learn about the decision to welcome Josephine Baker into the French Panthéon, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Kaamelott (Séries françaises) - Pourquoi si culte ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierGenre fémininFilm & TV

    Learn about "Kaamelott", a pastiche of the Arthurian legend and one of the most popular French series of the 2000s, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • L'Appel du 18 Juin 1940 Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeAdjectifFamous PeoplePolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    The Appeal of 18 June is considered the origin of the French Resistance during World War II. Learn how it came about in this French video with transcript and translation.
  • L'automne au marché de Landerneau Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionArticlePronom indéfiniFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    French markets are full of beautifully coloured food, and never more so than in autumn. Visit the Landernau market with this French video, including transcript and translation.
  • L'Entretien de Naturalisation française de Shui Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdjectifImmigration & Citizenship

    Our very own Shui tells us about her naturalisation interview in France, while you practise your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La baguette française au Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierAdverbeFood & Drink

    Learn how the famous French "baguette" was recognised at last, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • La Bohème - Charles Aznavour Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierArt & DesignFamous PeopleMusicFamily & Relationships

    Travel to the old Montmartre with this classic song by Charles Aznavour, "La Bohème", while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • La Bretagne se révèle en Côtes d'Armor Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierPrépositionPronom d'objet indirectMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    The northwestern corner of France is a beautiful region called Bretagne, or Brittany. Discover a few of its secrets and myths in this fast-paced video.
  • La Chandeleur Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbePronom d'objet directPronom relatifPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    The 2nd of February is known as Chandeleur, la fête des chandelles, or le jour des crêpes - learn all about it in this video.
  • La construction de la tour Eiffel Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn more about how France's most iconic monument came to be, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • La Déclaration d'Indépendance de la Belgique (4 octobre 1830) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionPronom relatifPlurielPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about how Belgium proclaimed its independence, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La Famille Bélier, le film franco-belge qui a inspiré CODA Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom relatifAdjectif possessifFilm & TV

    Learn about the Franco-Belgian movie that inspired Academy Award winner "CODA", while practising your B2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La main dans le sac Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeReflexive verbsPronom relatifLanguage & Education

    Learn or practise some idiomatic French expressions in this bilingual caper.
  • La Marseillaise, l'hymne national de la France Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPrépositionLe Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifPolitics, History & EconomicsMusic

    Learn the words to France's national anthem "La Marseillaise", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • La Naissance du Mouvement de la "Négritude" Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectifPrépositionAdverbeFamous PeoplePolitics, History & EconomicsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about the groundbreaking concept of "Négritude" as developed by French-speaking writer Aimé Césaire, while practising your French B2 listening and reading skills.
  • La rentrée, quelle angoisse ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif indéfiniFamily & Relationships

    Get ready to go back to school with an anxious but excited lycéenne in our bilingual audio article.
  • Le Camembert de Normandie (Spécialités de France) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierLe Subjonctif PrésentFood & Drink

    Learn about Normandy's famous cheese: le camembert.
  • Le changement climatique, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdverbeTechnology & Science

    Learn about climate change and global warming in this great French video, while practising your B2 French listening and reading skills.
  • Le cinéma français et ses remakes américains Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPronom relatifFilm & TV

    Discover how Hollywood remade some famous French movies, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Le Club des Poètes Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifAdverbeVerbe irrégulierPrépositionLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    If you like Paris and poetry, you'll love le Club des Poètes. Find out about this thrice-weekly opportunity to recite poetry in our bilingual audio article.
  • Le coq gaulois (Les Symboles de la République française) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifArticleForme négativePolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the origin of this symbol of the French Republic while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Le DELF-DALF en témoignages Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionPronom relatifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Language & Education

    The DELF and DALF are official French proficiency tests. In this video, French teachers in various countries talk about what DELF and DALF mean to them.
  • Le drapeau tricolore (Les Symboles de la République française) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifMode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentPrépositionPolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the origins of the French tricolor flag, symbol of the French Republic, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Le Festival de Cannes Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionGenre fémininFilm & TV

    Learn about one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world, the Cannes Film Festival, while practising your B2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Le français classique Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Learn about Classical French in this 5-part series of bilingual articles about the development of French over the centuries.
  • Le Gouren (Les sports régionaux de France) Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)AdverbePronom relatifSports & Leisure

    Discover Brittany's own martial art called "Gouren", while you practise your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Le grand nettoyage de printemps Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionAdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Take part in the big spring cleaning with this audio article.
  • Le Jardin de Claude Monet à Giverny Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Art & DesignMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn about painter Claude Monet's wonderful gardens in Giverny, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Le Louvre : 800 ans d'Histoire Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifVerbe irrégulierGenre fémininMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Did you know that the Louvre, one of the most famous museums in the world, was originally a fortress? Learn about the history of this Parisian monument in this fascinating video.
  • Le moyen français Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifArticle définiGenre fémininPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Learn about Middle French in this 5-part series of bilingual articles about the development of French over the centuries.
  • Le suffrage universel masculin - 5 mars 1848 Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdjectifForme négativePolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    France was the first country to institute universal men's suffrage. Find out how that came about in this audio article and bilingual reader.
  • Le XVIIIe siècle, le siècle des Lumières Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionArticlePlurielPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about some of France's rich history in this video.
  • Les animaux en vacances Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifForme négativePronom d'objetMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Pets are important to the French, so much so that they're often included in family vacations. This can be something of a challenge, as you'll learn in this video report.
  • Les belles histoires - Bénabar Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectVerbe irrégulierPronom relatifMusicFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy French singer Bénabar's musical love letter to these romantic tropes we all grew up on, and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Les Bêtises de Cambrai et les Chardons Lorrains (Spécialités de France) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierArticleFood & Drink

    Learn about some traditional candies from different regions of France.
  • Les Français vus par les étrangers Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierVerbes réguliers avec -ERLanguage & Education

    Listen to some opinions about the French by people all over the world while working on your French listening comprehension.
  • Les Héroïnes de la Littérature Française - Emma Bovary Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifGenre fémininAdjectif possessifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Literature, Poetry, Theatre

    (Re)discover the tragic Madame Bovary, the "éternelle insatisfaite" of French literature, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Les Héroïnes de la Littérature Française - Fantine Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdjectif possessifAdverbeLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    (Re)discover the beautifully tragic heroine Fantine, the sacrificial mother of French literature, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Les Héroïnes de la Littérature Française - La Marquise de Merteuil Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    (Re)discover the iconic Marquise de Merteuil, the femme fatale of French literature, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Les sites touristiques incontournables de la Guadeloupe Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeAdjectif indéfiniMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover the beautiful archipelago of Guadeloupe in this informative video, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Lettre au Père Noël Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Read Lise's letter to Santa to practise your French Christmas vocabulary as well as listening and reading comprehension.
  • Lettre de Nicolas Bedos à son père, le comédien Guy Bedos Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifArticleFamily & Relationships

    French actor and stand-up comedian Guy Bedos passed away on May 28th 2020. To say good-bye, his son Nicolas Bedos, also an actor (and writer/director), wrote a very moving letter, read here on French radio by literary journalist Augusting Trapenard.
  • Lynda Lemay - Les Maudits Français Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifArticleVerbe irrégulierMusic

    To celebrate Quebec's National Day, la Saint-Jean-Baptiste (June 24th) and la Fête de la Musique (June 21st), here is a song by Québécois singer-songwriter Lynda Lemay.
  • Ma sœur - Clara Luciani Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectForme négativeMusicFamily & Relationships

    Enjoy French singer Clara Luciani's ode to sisterly love, and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Mardi gras ~ Pancake Day Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionForme négativeAdverbeReflexive verbsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the various names and celebrations for the day before Ash Wednesday.
  • Mon année à l'étranger Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeLanguage & Education

    Quelle chance ! Spend a year in France with this audio article and bilingual reader.
  • Mon répondeur Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdverbeForme négativePrépositionLanguage & EducationFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Listen to a French answering machine and its messages to practise your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Noël à Kaysersberg Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPrépositionCelebrations & Important Dates

    No trip to France during the Christmas season would be complete without a visit to one of the famous Christmas marchés, and the one in Kaysersberg is perhaps the most authentic.
  • On va camper ce weekend ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdverbePrépositionVerbes « semi-réguliers »Sports & Leisure

    This audio article about camping was specially written to help you prepare for the listening and reading portions of the AP French exam.
  • Papaoutai - Stromae Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Question/InterrogativeForme négativeVerbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)MusicFamily & Relationships

    Discover the lyrics of Stromae's international hit "Papaoutai", and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Pézenas : Destination estivale Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifVerbe irrégulierPlurielMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Pézenas is a beautiful town in southern France loaded with history, culture, and artistic significance. Learn about this "green pearl" in our French audio article with transcript and translation.
  • Poisson d'avril ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierArticleAdjectifCelebrations & Important Dates

    April's fish... what? Learn about the silly celebration that takes place in France on the 1st of April.
  • Pokémon Go - La chasse est ouverte Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifAdjectif possessifLe Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Film & TVSports & Leisure

    Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm, and while we can't offer any tips on finding Charmanders or Jigglypuffs, we can help you understand their French names in our bilingual article.
  • Pour que tu m'aimes encore - Céline Dion Free Bilingual reader
    Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Sing along to Celine Dion's greatest French hit "Pour que tu m'aimes encore", while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Prévisions Météo Free Bilingual reader
    AdjectifAdverbeLe Présent (Indicatif)PlurielArticle définiFilm & TVTechnology & Science

    Check out this French weather report for some useful vocabulary and expressions.
  • Quel est le sens spirituel du Carnaval et du Mardi Gras ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom relatifVerbe irrégulierPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Carnaval and Mardi Gras are huge, weeks-long celebrations in Nice, Venice, New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, and many other cities around the world. Find out about their religious origins in this video.
  • Qui est-il ? Le mime Marceau Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Pronom relatifArt & DesignFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about the life and many achievements of world-famous French mime Marceau, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Réalisatrices françaises Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionFamous PeopleFilm & TV

    In honour of International Women's Day on 8th March, we're celebrating and highlighting the top 5 female film directors in the world of Francophone cinema.
  • Rentrée de professeur Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifEmploymentLanguage & Education

    The start of a new school year is a big deal for students as well as teachers, as heard in this audio article.
  • Reste à la maison Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionAdjectifForme négativeMusicFamily & Relationships

    Yann Lambiel's parody of the song "Y a le printemps qui chante" by Claude François.
  • RIP Minsky, the father of artificial intelligence Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PasséPronom réfléchiAdjectifVerbes avec -DRETechnology & Science

    Learn about Marvin Minsky, the father of artificial intelligence - and our beloved Kwizbot's spiritual grandfather, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Sans toi - Pomme Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom adverbialPrépositionPronom d'objet indirectFamous PeopleMusicFamily & Relationships

    Sing along with French singer Pomme's pop folk song "Sans toi", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Simone, la voix de la SNCF Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierPronom relatifAdjectif possessifTechnology & Science

    Meet Simone, the iconic voice of French train stations, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Soirée d'Hallowe'en en Alsace Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover a spooky Hallowe'en haunted house in Alsace, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Taxi ! Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Listen to this dialog between a taxi driver and a customer for some useful French expressions.
  • Trois minutes pour comprendre Thanksgiving Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifArticle définiLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)ArticlePolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Enjoy this video that offers a quick overview of Thanksgiving, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Trottinettes électriques-À quand la fin de l'anarchie à Paris? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectifPrépositionAdverbeSports & LeisureTechnology & Science

    Electric scooters can be found all over Paris - at least until the police come along and have them impounded.
  • Une rentrée plutôt réussie ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Forme négativeAdverbeVerbe irrégulier

    B2 French interactive listening article
  • Une Saint-Valentin parfaite Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifLe Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directForme négativeCelebrations & Important Dates

    Enjoy this tale of two opposite Valentine's Days, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Visite de la Côte Fleurie (Normandie) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifPronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Visit some lovely towns along the coast of Normandy, including Honfleur, Trouville-sur-Mer, and Deauville.
  • Visite de Marseille Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    See the sights and taste the bouillabaisse while visiting the French city of Marseille with SNCF.
  • Visite de Strasbourg en Alsace Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Visit the beautiful Alsatian town of Strasbourg and taste some local beer in this video.
  • Visite du Périgord Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectifPrépositionAdverbeMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    View castles from a riverboat, visit prehistoric caves, and taste truffles in the beautiful French region of Périgord.
  • C1: Advanced French listening exercises

  • "Les Fleurs du Mal"
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom relatifFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about French poet Baudelaire's conception of beauty and poetry.
  • A bad camping trip
    Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdverbeSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Mathilde recalls the worst family camping trip she ever went on.
  • A call from home
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierFamily & Relationships

    Student Benoît's mother calls him to catch up.
  • A car collision!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativeVerbe irrégulierSports & LeisureFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Learn a selection of flowery French language as two drivers end up in a collision!
  • A cooperative of artisans
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)PrépositionArt & DesignMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Béatrice shares how her discovery of a hidden cooperative of artisans inspired her.
  • A New Year's Eve in the snow
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Sylvie is remembering the New Year's Eve celebrations she spent with her kids in the Alps.
  • A radiant mother
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directLe Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Amélie would have never thought she'd love being a mother so much!
  • A seamstress's memory
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directLe Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Art & DesignEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Christine recalls visiting the haberdashery [US: fabric store] for the first time.
  • A snowbound wedding
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Carole and Fernand remember a wedding where snow was an unwelcome guest!
  • A stormy relationship
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Learn some interesting weather-related French expressions with this couple's story.
  • A summit meeting
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbeSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Find out how Mireille and Josiane became besties.
  • A thankful toast
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectPrépositionEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Sylvie thanks professional partners at the end of a successful project.
  • A trip to Normandy
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Valérie remembers fondly her trip to Normandy.
  • A very specific routine
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLe Présent (Indicatif)Language & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Julie has a very precise daily routine...to the minute !
  • A... compromised harmony!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbeAdjectifLanguage & EducationMusicFamily & Relationships

    Practise some musical expressions in French with Hélène remembering a jarring member of her old choir.
  • Actor Omar Sy
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Famous PeopleFilm & TV

    Mathilde and her friend Fleur talk about French actor Omar Sy and his series "Lupin".
  • Aerobics class
    Le Présent (Indicatif)L'Impératif PrésentMode impératifSports & Leisure

    Burn the fat with aerobics coach Daniella!
  • Amel Bent and Camélia Jordana
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifFamous PeopleMusic

    Aurélie tells us about these amazing French singers of Algerian descent.
  • An (almost) perfect restaurant
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiFood & Drink

    Flora and her husband had an (almost) perfect experience at the town's new restaurant.
  • An Easter catastrophe!
    Mode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesLanguage & Education

    Despite her best efforts to make Easter perfect, Madeleine ended up with egg on her face!
  • An especially harsh winter
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininAdjectif possessifFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Practise your French expressions about the cold with Marianne's memories of a harsh winter.
  • An eventful picnic
    PrépositionPronom réfléchiL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Food & DrinkSports & Leisure

    This long-awaited picnic really turned on a dime!
  • An outstanding hotel
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifPronom d'objet indirectEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Looking for an amazing hotel? Hotel Charmant is the one for you!
  • An unexpected victory
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Julia thought she was winning at Scrabble against her grandma...
  • Arles's Amphitheatre
    AdjectifPronom relatifGenre fémininMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about this fascinating ruin of the Roman era.
  • At the airport
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Sophie and Anne discuss what to do before getting on the plane.
  • At the fish market Free
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom relatifLe Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)Food & DrinkSports & Leisure

    Louise remembers discovering a fish market on a sunny holiday in Brittany.
  • At the Galeries Lafayette in Paris
    PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre masculinMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Sabine and Hélène talk about their shopping experience in Paris's famous Galeries Lafayette.
  • At the laundrette
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Laëtitia and Yvan complain about having to go to the laundrette.
  • At the ski resort
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentSports & Leisure

    Jérome and his girlfriend have just arrived at the ski resort and they need some equipment.
  • Aunty Suzette, the cleaning queen
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directMode subjonctifFamily & Relationships

    Benjamin recalls how obsessive his aunty was about cleanliness.
  • Balzac or Zola ?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre fémininAdverbeFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Guillaume and Clara are discussing which, of Balzac and Zola, is their favourite French author.
  • Bargain hunters
    AdverbeLe Conditionnel PrésentVerbe irrégulierArt & DesignSports & Leisure

    Paul tells Mathilde about awesome bargains at the second-hand store.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix in Yamoussoukro
    AdjectifGenre fémininVerbe irrégulierMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover the largest church in the world, located in the administrative capital of Ivory Coast.
  • Boules tournament
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifSports & Leisure

    Léon explains to Marius why he won't make the boules tournament.
  • Breaking News!
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentFilm & TV

    Follow a last-minute news report on live TV.
  • Canadian cruise
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbes réguliers avec -ERPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Listen to this enticing ad for a Canadian cruise.
  • Claude Nougaro and Toulouse
    Pronom relatifAdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Famous PeopleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsMusic

    Learn about the Toulouse-born singer and his deep connection to the Pink City.
  • Cleaning job
    Mode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentLe Présent (Indicatif)Employment

    Monsieur Jacquard explains today's cleaning job to the cleaning team.
  • Coluche, French people's favourite
    Pronom d'objet directPronom relatifPronom d'objetFamous PeopleFilm & TV

    The French comedian is still much loved in France, 30 years after his death.
  • Cultural Refugee Festival
    Verbe irrégulierPronom réfléchiAdjectif possessifLanguage & EducationSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Anne-Claire explains the benefits of their cultural refugee festival.
  • Discovering Entraygues-sur-Truyère
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPronom relatifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLanguage & EducationSports & Leisure

    Gisèle introduces her beloved Aveyron village and its many charms.
  • Dry January
    Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifFood & Drink

    After the holidays' excesses, why not try the "Dry January" challenge?
  • Easter Sunday meal
    AdverbePrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Food & DrinkCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Marina really enjoyed spending Easter Sunday with her family.
  • Elecric cars in France
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif démonstratifPolitics, History & EconomicsTechnology & Science

    Learn about the evolution of the French market for electric cars between 2009 and 2020.
  • Farmhouse Inn A Pignata in Corsica
    AdjectifLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover this charming location for an authentic Corsican experience.
  • Fighting hypocondria
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom réfléchiLanguage & Education

    Nathalie talks about her struggle with hypochondria.
  • First day of school in France
    Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectImmigration & CitizenshipLanguage & Education

    Newcomer Adam and his family experience the French "rentrée des classes" for the first time.
  • Food critic
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPronom relatifFood & DrinkMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Sabrina and her husband were delighted by their dinner experience at Lou Pignatoun restaurant.
  • French band Téléphone
    Adjectif possessifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionMusic

    Hugo talks about his passion for the French rock band Téléphone.
  • French director Ladj Ly and "Les Misérables".
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamous PeopleFilm & TV

    French director Ladj Ly on his film "Les Misérables".
  • French Parliament
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentPronom relatifPolitics, History & Economics

    Erica, a specialist of French institutions, explains the French Parliament to Charlotte's audience.
  • French pastries
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeFood & Drink

    Mélanie talks about her guilty pleasure: French "viennoiserie" pastries.
  • French women's basketball team qualifying for Rio in 2016
    Adjectif possessifAdjectifVerbe irrégulierFilm & TVSports & Leisure

    Listen to this review of the French women's basketball team 2016 victory against Canada.
  • Goncourt Prize
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifCelebrations & Important DatesLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about this prestigious French literary award.
  • Grandma the seamstress
    Le Subjonctif PrésentLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifArt & DesignSports & Leisure

    Marie-Louise's grandson asked for a clown costume.
  • Grape harvest
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)EmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Florence harvested grapes with her friend Samuel this year.
  • Heating
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifPronom d'objet directLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Amélie asks Marc to help her with the heating system.
  • Holiday [US: vacation] departure
    Verbe irrégulierAdjectif possessifLe Présent (Indicatif)Technology & Science

    Julie and Patrick are discussing how to avoid the rush of holiday [US: vacation] departures.
  • Household chores: evolution or not?
    Pronom relatifLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierFamily & Relationships

    Listen to an interview about the evolution of household chores in couples' lives.
  • Housewarming party
    Pronom d'objet directL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Thomas marvels at Tania's new place at her housewarming party.
  • How to deal with your kids' tantrums?
    PrépositionAdjectif possessifMode subjonctifFamily & Relationships

    Listen to an interview about how to deal with your little ones' tantrums.
  • How to pitch your tent properly
    Le Subjonctif PrésentLe Présent (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Here are a few tips to help you pitch your tent properly.
  • How to write an instruction manual?
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifAdjectif possessifEmploymentTechnology & Science

    Here are some tips for writing a useful instruction manual.
  • I hate birthdays!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdverbeFamily & Relationships

    Amélie hates birthday celebrations, especially when it's hers!
  • I have no money left!
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifPronom réfléchiLanguage & Education

    Mathieu tells his friend why he's broke this month.
  • I need help, Doctor!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Yann tells his doctor about his painful back problems.
  • Ikea
    Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbeFamily & Relationships

    Alice has decided to get a brand new kitchen from Ikea.
  • Information about organ donation in France
    Mode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentAdverbeLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Here's some information about organ donation in France.
  • Interview to be an au pair
    Pronom d'objet directVerbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)EmploymentMonuments, Tourism & VacationsLanguage & Education

    Jane applies to be an au pair in France.
  • It's tough to cram!
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Géraldine is struggling to stay focused on revisions in sunny June.
  • Joan of Arc and Orléans
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objetFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Find out about Joan of Arc and her connection to the French city of Orléans.
  • Kings' Cake
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLe Présent (Indicatif)Food & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Isabelle tells us about the right way to eat French "galette des rois".
  • Léopold Sédar Senghor
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifTemps composéFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Fatima tells us about one of the greatest Francophone writers.
  • Letter from a pianist to another
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Présent (Indicatif)MusicSports & Leisure

    Chloë writes to her piano teacher grandmother about her own musical progress.
  • Letter to the Boogeyman
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Julie writes to the Boogeyman to ask for his leniency after a naughty year!
  • Letters from another time...
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifPronom réfléchiLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Lydia made a romantic discovery in her grandparents' attic...
  • Living with arthritis
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom relatifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Aurélie talks about her experience of psoriatic arthritis.
  • Looking for a job
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Genre masculinPremière personneEmployment

    François and Aline share their feelings about their job search.
  • Mardi Gras in New Orleans
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Did you know where New Orleans's famous Mardi Gras came from?
  • Meeting my partner's family
    Pronom d'objet directLe Subjonctif PrésentPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Sonia is dreading meeting her partner's family for the first time.
  • Mina is awake!
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLe Présent (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Family (female) cat Mina is always the first up in the morning!
  • Mister Spendthrift
    AdverbePronom d'objet directLe Présent (Indicatif)Politics, History & EconomicsLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Geoffrey can't seem to control his spending!
  • My first egg hunt
    Pronom d'objet directLe Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)PrépositionCelebrations & Important Dates

    Sabrina remembers her first egg hunt, when she was still so little!
  • My grandfather
    Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionFamily & Relationships

    Louise talks about the amazing influence her grandfather had on her life.
  • My grandmother, an exceptional baker
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdverbeFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Mélanie remembers the summer afternoons she spent watching her grandmother baking delicious treats.
  • My mum is a super-hero
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifFamily & Relationships

    Adrien is in awe of his amazing single mother.
  • My pet peeves at the cinema
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directLe Présent (Indicatif)Film & TVFamily & Relationships

    Clémence tells us about her pet peeves when going to the cinema.
  • My projects for 2021
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Aurélie has made a list of everything she will do after the pandemic.
  • My review of your hotel
    AdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Aline posts an overall positive review of her Parisian hotel.
  • My summer holidays [US: vacations] memories
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif possessifMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Sofiane remembers going on summer holidays [vacations] at her grandparents' farm.
  • My two favourite French cakes
    PrépositionGenre fémininLe Présent (Indicatif)Food & Drink

    Stéphanie presents her two favorite French cakes: the fraisier and the Paris-Brest.
  • Navigator Florence Arthaud
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Genre fémininGenre masculinFamous PeopleSports & Leisure

    Learn about the extraordinary French sailor Florence Arthaud.
  • Neighbours' Day
    PrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Learn about this fairly recent celebration of French origin.
  • New product launch speech
    Pronom d'objet directPrépositionPronom d'objet indirectEmployment

    Valérie is giving a thank you speech on the launch of their new product.
  • Not so easy to order in French!
    Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininFood & DrinkLanguage & Education

    Colette recalls the first time she ordered food in a French restaurant.
  • On the night train
    AdverbePronom réfléchiL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Amandine traveled on the night train to meet up with some friends.
  • On this Father's Day...
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamily & Relationships

    Samuel visits his father's grave on this day, always so special to them both.
  • Online teaching
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifLanguage & Education

    Catherine talks about her experience having to suddenly teach online.
  • Organising a meeting on the phone
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifLe Présent (Indicatif)EmploymentTechnology & Science

    Claire and Elise are organising an important team meeting on the phone.
  • Ouch! It burns!
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionMode subjonctifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Jean-François got badly sunburnt last weekend.
  • Our memories of spring
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPrépositionSports & Leisure

    Joseph remembers the outdoor activities he used to enjoy with his family.
  • Painting figurines
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PlurielAdjectif possessifSports & Leisure

    Christelle reminisces about her teenage passion for Warhammer figures.
  • Paternity leave in France
    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Subjonctif PrésentPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about the latest improvements to French paternity leave.
  • Paul Verlaine's "My familiar dream"
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, TheatreFamily & Relationships

    Here's one of Paul Verlaine's most famous poems, where he reminisces about dreaming about a perfect woman.
  • Pension reform
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifPrépositionEmploymentPolitics, History & Economics

    René and Flora talk about France's controversial pension reform.
  • Philippe Costamagna, art detective
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifLe Subjonctif PrésentArt & Design

    Philippe Costamagna has a fascinating job: he investigates works of art!
  • Post-Christmas tidy
    Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentFamily & Relationships

    Suzanne has already started to put the Christmas decorations away.
  • Predictions for the Six Nation Tournament France-Ireland game
    AdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    A sports commentator discuss the predictions for the next Six Nation Tournament rugby game, opposing France to Ireland.
  • Proust's madeleine
    PrépositionPronom d'objet directAdjectif possessifFamous PeopleFood & DrinkLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn the origin of this popular French expression.
  • Réunion island's Grand Raid marathon
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PlurielAdverbeSports & Leisure

    Joël talks about the craziest marathon he's ever done.
  • Rimbaud's poem "Voyelles"
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifAdjectifFamous PeopleLanguage & EducationLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn about one of Rimbaud's most famous poems.
  • Saint Sylvester's Day's origins
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Why is December 31st Saint Sylvester's Day in the calendar?
  • Shades of fear
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiAdverbeLanguage & Education

    Practise many colourful ways to express fear in French.
  • Sorbonne University
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PlurielVerbes réguliers avec -ERMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    Learn about the most famous French university.
  • Sorry teacher
    Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directLe Présent (Indicatif)Language & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Nina writes a letter of apology after disrespecting her teacher.
  • Surprise birthday party
    Verbe irrégulierLe Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifFamily & Relationships

    Florence and Quentin discuss the surprise birthday party they're organising for their friend Vincent.
  • Talking about fake news in French
    AdjectifAdverbePronom relatifPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    A French-language commission came up with a translation for the ubiquitous expression "fake news".
  • Technopathies
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectVerbes réguliers avec -ERFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Flavie wonders about the emergence of mental health issues linked to technology.
  • Thanking the medical staff
    Pronom d'objet directAdjectif possessifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)EmploymentLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    Amélie wanted to thank the hospital staff who took care of her father.
  • Thanks Mum [US: Mom]
    Pronom d'objet directPrépositionPronom d'objet indirectCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Agathe thanks her mother for everything she's done for her.
  • The 1799 coup d'Etat
    AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Genre fémininPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn how Napoleon Bonaparte became Head of State following a coup d'Etat in 1799.
  • The Clean Doggie Company
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifAdverbeEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Discover an incredible animal grooming service.
  • The Comic Strip Center
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierArt & DesignMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Isabelle gives her impressions on Brussels's iconic Comic Strip Center.
  • The exploitation of forests
    Verbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifTechnology & Science

    Solène tells us about the pressing issue of deforestation.
  • The gifts conundrum
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentVerbe irrégulierSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Thierry lists everything that annoys him when having to pick a gift.
  • The Hellfest Festival in Clisson
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom réfléchiPrépositionCelebrations & Important DatesMusic

    Learn about this internationally-acclaimed, record-beating festival of heavy metal music.
  • The history of pastis
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifGenre fémininFood & Drink

    Marielle tells us more about this typically French aperitif drink.
  • The history of the French macaron
    AdjectifLe Subjonctif PrésentAdjectif possessifFood & DrinkPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn more about this elegant and delicious confection.
  • The Lac du Der, the birdwatchers' paradise
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectif indéfiniMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover this beautiful lake of the Champagne region in France, and its amazing birds.
  • The Palace Hotel in Biarritz
    Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Zoé and Sophie talk about Biarritz's iconic Hôtel du Palais.
  • The Paris metro challenge
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectSports & Leisure

    Estelle really struggled to find her bearings when she first moved to the capital.
  • The science of language
    Mode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentLe Présent (Indicatif)Language & EducationTechnology & Science

    Linguistics as a science made a giant leap thanks to one great discovery.
  • The war poets of World War I
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifAdjectif démonstratifPolitics, History & EconomicsLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Amélia tells us about the French poets who fought during the First World War.
  • The worst hotel in Holland
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifForme négativeMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Carole tells Samuel about her worst hotel experience ever!
  • To be for or against marriage: an opinion
    Mode subjonctifAdverbeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    Béatrice had a strong opinion about weddings until...
  • To see life through rose-tinted glasses
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdverbePronom d'objet directFamily & Relationships

    Stéphanie woke up in a great mood today!
  • Tomorrow morning's weather forecast
    Verbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)AdjectifTechnology & Science

    Here's the weather forecast for tomorrow morning.
  • Too good to be true!
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directAdverbeMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Laurent and his girlfriend had an unpleasant surprise when discovering their hotel...
  • Tour on the Seine
    PrépositionAdjectif possessifPronom relatifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsSports & Leisure

    Discover Paris from the Seine river with this audioguide description.
  • Travelling by ferry to France
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifPrépositionMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Corinne calls the ferry customer service for some help.
  • Tri Yann, an incredible band
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbeForme négativeMusic

    Énora and Céline are reminiscing about Tri Yann, a Breton music band from Nantes.
  • TV game show "Des chiffres et des lettres"
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Conjonction de subordinationLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Film & TV

    Learn about one of the longest-running TV game shows in the world.
  • Two ways of doing your food shopping [US: grocery shopping]
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Adjectif possessifGenre masculinFood & DrinkFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Lola and her grandmother chats about their distinct ways of doing their food shopping [US: groceries].
  • Ubisoft
    Verbes réguliers avec -ERVerbes réguliers avec -IRPlurielSports & LeisureTechnology & Science

    Learn a bit more about the French video games company Ubisoft.
  • Unforeseen changes!
    Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifPronom d'objet directEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Liliane asks her partner François for an unforeseen change to their after-work routine.
  • Volunteering at Christmas
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectif possessifCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Pauline is asking her friend Élise why she volunteers every year at Christmas.
  • Welcome to the team
    Adjectif possessifMode subjonctifPrépositionEmploymentFamily & Relationships

    Barbara welcomes the new member of her professional team.
  • What a panic !
    AdverbeMode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentSports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    The organisation of Patricia's party was a bit chaotic !
  • Why build your own PC
    Le Subjonctif PrésentLe Présent (Indicatif)Mode subjonctifTechnology & Science

    Caroline tells us about the benefits of building your own gaming PC.
  • Why consume seasonal produce?
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom réfléchiFood & DrinkTechnology & Science

    Here are some arguments in favour of eating seasonal produce.
  • Winter chimney-sweeping
    Mode subjonctifPronom d'objet directLe Subjonctif PrésentFamily & Relationships

    Elisabeth talks about having her chimney swept before winter.
  • Working at Disneyland Paris
    Mode subjonctifLe Subjonctif PrésentVerbe irrégulierEmployment

    Émilie talks about her job as a character actor at Disneyland Paris.
  • Young heroes
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentAdjectifPolitics, History & EconomicsFamily & Relationships

    Children are more than ever the future.
  • 4 astuces anti-fatigue pour faire le plein d'énergie ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierAdjetivoMode impératifTechnology & Science

    Discover French doctor Michel Cymes's useful tips to fight tiredness, while practising your French C1 listening and reading skills.
  • Alsatian accent Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionFilm & TVLanguage & Education

    Get an (exaggerated) idea about French as it's spoken in Alsace in this humorous sketch by Les Inconnus (a famous French trio of humorists from the 90's).
  • Ces fautes qui deviennent des règles - La Chronique Langue de Laélia Veron Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directLanguage & Education

    Learn about the fascinating evolution of the French language, when today's mistakes become tomorrow's rules.
  • Chez Victor Hugo à Guernesey Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Pronom relatifAdjectifFamous PeopleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Discover Victor Hugo's amazing mansion Hauteville House on the island of Guernsey, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Coco Chanel (Portraits français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierPrépositionAdverbeArt & DesignFamous People

    Learn about the iconic French haute couture designer Coco Chanel, while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Dans les coulisses de "Plus Belle La Vie" (Séries Françaises) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifVerbe irrégulierForme négativeFilm & TV

    Sneak behind the scenes of France's most popular soap opera "Plus Belle la Vie", while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Georges Brassens et la ville de Sète Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifMonuments, Tourism & VacationsMusic

    Discover the lovely Southern city of Sète through its most iconic singer Georges Brassens, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Henri Matisse au Centre Pompidou Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionAdverbeVerbe irrégulierArt & DesignFamous People

    Enjoy a fascinating retrospective on French painter Henri Matisse at the Pompidou Center in Paris, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Histoire des Jeux Olympiques Modernes Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifGenre fémininAdjectif possessifPolitics, History & EconomicsSports & Leisure

    Discover how the modern Olympic Games came to be, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Histoire et origine du français canadien Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbes « semi-réguliers »Politics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    The French spoken in Québec is different than what you might be used to - but why? Check out this animated video for an explanation of the Québécois accent ...
  • Hymne à l'Amour - Édith Piaf Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directPrépositionLe Conditionnel PrésentCelebrations & Important DatesMusicFamily & Relationships

    Let yourself be moved to tears by Édith Piaf's heartwrenching "Hymne à l'Amour", while practising your French C1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • J'attends - Ben Mazué & Pomme Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Subjonctif PrésentMode subjonctifVerbe irrégulierAdverbeMusicFamily & Relationships

    Discover all the sincerity of French singer Ben Mazué in his beautifully written duet with Pomme, "J'attends", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • J'irai où tu iras - Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet indirectPronom d'objet directAdjectif possessifPrépositionMusic

    Rock 'n' roll with Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman's irresistible fast-paced duet "J'irai où tu iras", while practising your French C1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Jeanne d'Arc (Portraits français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionAdjectif possessifArticle définiFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about Joan of Arc - Jeanne d'Arc - while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Kwiziq dans le "Crystal Maze" Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom relatifPrépositionSports & Leisure

    In May 2018, the Kwiziq Team met in London for a week of work - and just a bit of fun, including a visit to The Crystal Maze Experience.
  • L'Ascension Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifAdverbePronom relatifCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the mobile jour férié and Christian holiday of Ascension, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • L'histoire de la Fête Nationale Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbePronom adverbialPronom relatifPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the history of France's national holiday, le 14 juillet, in this informative video.
  • L'histoire de la Saint-Sylvestre Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objetPronom réfléchiPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover why December 31st is also known as "la Saint-Sylvestre" in France, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La Fête du Travail du premier mai en France Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdverbePrépositionPronom réfléchiEmploymentPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn how May 1st became a public holiday called Labour Day, while practising your French C1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • La Saint-Valentin Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionPronom d'objet indirectL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Celebrate Valentine's Day with this funny video about interpreting gestures on a first date.
  • La Sorcière - Le Diable aux Corsets Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Simple (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierPronom d'objet directArticleCelebrations & Important DatesMusic

    Celebrate Hallowe'en with the band Le Diable aux Corsets's bewitching folk song "La Sorcière", while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • La Toussaint Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifLe Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the importance of la Toussaint, or All Saints' Day in France, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le Café - Oldelaf et Monsieur D Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPrépositionPronom d'objet indirectVerbe irrégulierMusic

    Sing along to Oldelaf's hilarious "ode" to coffee drinkers, while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le Carnaval de Dunkerque comme si vous y étiez Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionL'Imparfait (Indicatif)AdverbeVerbe irrégulierCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Discover Dunkirk's colourful Carnival, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Le confinement, quelle vie de chien ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifForme négativeL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Sports & LeisureFamily & Relationships

    Find out what confinement is like from a new perspective in our bilingual audio article.
  • Le Mille-feuille (Les Pâtisseries Françaises) Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionAdjectifMode impératifL'Impératif PrésentLe Présent (Indicatif)Food & Drink

    Learn how to make one of the quintessential French pastries, the delicious "mille-feuille", while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le ski - Têtes à Claques Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdjectifForme négativePronom réfléchiFilm & TVSports & Leisure

    Challenge yourself with this hilarious Québécois claymation video, while practising your French C1 listening and reading skills.
  • Les Accras de Morue des Antilles (Spécialités de France) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeVerbe irrégulierArticleFood & Drink

    Learn about one of the most popular culinary specialities in the West Indies: Guadeloupe's famous accras de morue (cod fritters).
  • Les Copains D'abord - Georges Brassens Free Bilingual reader
    L'Imparfait (Indicatif)PrépositionPronom d'objet directPronom d'objet indirectArticleMusic

    Sing along to Georges Brassens's best celebration of friendship, "Les Copains D'abord", while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Les JO 2024 à Paris : Premières routes fermées... et premiers gros embouteillages Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionAdverbeInfinitifAdjectifSports & LeisureTechnology & Science

    Discover some "road annoyance" vocabulary with this news segment on Paris's 2024 Olympics traffic issues, while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Les origines du Tournoi des Six Nations Free Bilingual reader
    Verbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Celebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Learn about the origins of this European rugby competition, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Ma routine pendant le Ramadan Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierVoix pronominaleCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Learn about Ramadan celebrations with Hajar, while practising your C1 French listening and reading skills.
  • Mon Noël d'antan Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)L'Imparfait (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPronom relatifCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    Remember what Christmas was like when you were a child in this bilingual audio article.
  • On ira - ZAZ Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)ArticleMusic

    Enjoy this catchy song and colorful video while practicing your (fast!) French listening comprehension.
  • Pourquoi est-on ivre plus vite lorsqu'on n'a pas mangé ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom d'objet directPrépositionAdverbePronom relatifFood & DrinkTechnology & Science

    Learn the fascinating answer to this question in this fun short program, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Pourquoi la rentrée scolaire est-elle en septembre ? Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the origin and evolution of France's back-to-school date, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Premier Mai, poème de Victor Hugo Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Pronom relatifAdjectifPrépositionPronom d'objet directLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Listen to Victor Hugo's lovely poem about spring "Premier Mai", while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Quand Mai 68 changea la France Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionPronom relatifAdjectifPolitics, History & Economics

    May 1968 was a turning point in French history. On this 50th anniversary, learn how students and workers revolutionalized France.
  • S'occuper sans écran - La drôle d'humeur de Marina Rollman Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierForme négativePrépositionAdjectifSports & LeisureFamily & RelationshipsTechnology & Science

    Enjoy this funny radio sketch by Swiss comedian Marina Rollman about life without computer screens, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Savoyard accent Free Bilingual reader
    Verbe irrégulierPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Le Présent (Indicatif)ArticleFilm & TVLanguage & Education

    Get an (exaggerated) idea about French as it's spoken in Savoie in this humorous sketch by Les Inconnus (a famous French trio of humorists from the 90s).
  • Strasbourg, le plus grand marché de Noël d'Europe ! Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifArt & DesignEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover the enchanting Strasbourg Christmas Market, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Thanksgiving contre les Indiens d'Amérique Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdverbePronom relatifPolitics, History & EconomicsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about some of the controversy surrounding the US celebration of Thanksgiving, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Un escape game pour personnes âgées Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifL'Imparfait (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjectif possessifSports & Leisure

    Discover the cool initiative of this French retirement home, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Une Saint-Valentin entre filles Free Bilingual reader
    PrépositionLe Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPronom relatifLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)Family & Relationships

    No Valentine? No problem!
  • V pour Vendetta Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierQuestion/InterrogativeMode impératifAdverbeFilm & TV

    In honour of Guy Fawkes Night (November 5th), let's take a look at V for Vendetta, a 2006 political thriller film set in a dystopian United Kingdom under the rule of a neo-fascist regime, where V, the mysterious anarchist freedom fighter tries to start a revolution through elaborate terrorist acts. Highly recommended!
  • Valéry Giscard d'Estaing - Une rétrospective en images Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifFamous PeoplePolitics, History & Economics

    Former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing died of Covid-19 on 2 December, 2020, at the age of 94. Take a look back at his life and career in this video from Le Monde.
  • Vendée Globe 2016 / 2017 Free Bilingual reader
    Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)AdjectifVerbe irrégulierLe Présent (Indicatif)PrépositionCelebrations & Important DatesSports & Leisure

    Vendée Globe is a grueling, non-stop solo round the world race without assistance.
  • Very Low Cost Airlines Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Forme négativePrépositionVerbe irrégulierLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Monuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Think the last flight you took was bad? It probably doesn't compare to this one!
  • Victor Hugo (Portraits français) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionAdverbeAdjectif possessifFamous PeopleLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Learn more about famous author Victor Hugo, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Visite de Fort Royer sur l'île d'Oléron Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierPrépositionAdverbePronom d'objet directMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover the fascinating site of Fort Royer on Île d'Oléron while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Vivre en Suisse : Préparer votre expatriation (1ère partie) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionComparatifVerbe irrégulierEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & VacationsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the (many) advantages to moving to Switzerland in the first part of this informative video, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Vivre en Suisse : Préparer votre expatriation (2e partie) Free Bilingual reader
    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjectifPrépositionVerbe irrégulierGenre fémininEmploymentMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the (many) advantages to moving to Switzerland in the second part of this informative video, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.

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